For those that understand, no explanation is necessary. For those that think food comes from the grocery store, no explanation is possible.
What were you shooting at? I didn't see any lawyers in the pictures. Just kidding, of course. I tried pheasant hunting once and came home hungry. Very nice photos. Thanks for sharing.
Its a hunt club in hemet, ca I was doing the photo work. Its was a dog trial testing the dogs ability. My dog is a 5.5mo pup so he was not included. I was hired by the hunt club for the photography. Thanks...
Oh, Hemet. I am originally from San Diego and my dad was from a hick town in the Central Valley. I sure miss those western vistas sometimes. It is really lovely in those outlying parts of San Diego county. You are quite a photographer. And I am always amazed at the discipline of those hunting dogs that carry the bird gently in their mouths instead of eating the sh*t out of it.
Numbers 4, 9 and 10 are fantastic shots and go along well with the idea of documenting the dog's ability. I think 10 could benefit from a little cropping to balance the negative space on the right and top of the frame and put the right emphasis on the action.
Next time you shoot some photos like this, you need to get out in front and try to get a few shots from the bird's perspective. Sorry. All of the other posts were so serious I had to throw in a silly one. I'm really surprised that no one mentioned Dick Cheney. Of course, had he been there shooting, you would have had a better chance of documenting the bird's perspective. Tom
I lived in and around Hemet for a few years... I remember those hills. Dog is having fun, yes. Glad to hear, from what you said, that at least the birds will be eaten, and not just shot for "sport". I prefer shooting birds with my camera... live birds are prettier than dead, anytime.
Beautiful images! The only problem with them is that they didn't include images of Italian spinoni or wirehaired pointing griffons (our two breeds). Thanks for sharing.
Brings back memories of my English Setter. He'd wander the fields behind our house and bring home pheasants in his mouth that we DIDN'T shoot, he was that good. But, he was such a slobber mouth!
Well... DUH... And there ain't nothing quite like spitting lead at the dinner table. :thumb::thumb: :hungry: