While watching the latest YouTube uploads from Toyota, I noticed one of the features mentioned is a button to enable/disable use of the microfilter for in-cabin ventilation. Maybe I was dreaming, but why would I ever want to turn this guy off?
If it was referring to the plasmacluster, some people (e.g., Consumer Reports) think that technology has its own safety issues, though this Sharp version has less issues than most of its ilk.
r u referring to the plasmecluster? That's for purifying the air in the cabin. I have been using this similar device 15 years ago in my toyota..they actually works very well. p/s my 1978 toyota still running very well and people are suprive by how silent the engine while it is running. No breakdown ever once. how ever my parent still refuse to pass the car to me!
That "microfilter" button disables Auto A/C and directs air only through the face vents. There's probably a good reason not to leave it on full time to help lengthen the lifespan of that secondary filter.
exactly... it extends the life of carbon filter which is relativly expensive and used to take away bad smell from air... if it was always on, it would last a year and cost $50 to replace. I personally would like it always on, but i saw people complain about it before when they had it in certain cars as default filter so....
..In addition to changing the airflow to face, it also changes to recirculated air, operates for 3 minutes and returns to the normal mode.
I would guess another reason for the off switch - why have the filter activated if you're driving with the window(s) down or the sunroof open?
From reading the manuals, there doesn't seem to be reference to a second filter, but rather this feature recirculates and passes the air through the filter again.
I think you are confusing the Sharp PlasmaCluster technology with the Sharper Image Ionic Breeze "filters" CR hated. They are different. I have a total of 4 Sharp PlasmaCluster air purifiers...two in my home and two in my office. They are among the highest regarded air filters on the market. Good read on the Sharp (but from a company that sells them among others): http://www.air-purifier-power.com/FPN60CX.html