In an effort to minimize cost of a new 09 prius, I asked local dealerships for a prius base model with no options, i.e. no packages. I was told that it is not possible to buy a prius without a package. Is that true? Sounds like possible dealership BS to me. Perhaps a more important question - Is it a good idea to get a base with no options??? Anyone know how well the prius handles without stability control? That is the only option I think I might regret not getting, but I have read of problems people have had with it... I also wonder if the resale value of the car will be much decreased without options. thanks
Keep in mind the Prius needs to have some packages to get cruise control also, its not standard, if that would be important to you, you need to check into that. With today's car market, I would think you should be able to get a Prius with some packages, for the same amount as a Prius with no packages.
There have been no problems with VSC (stability control). Perhaps you are thinking of Traction Control, which is a source of irritation and frustration for many Prius drivers. Traction Control comes standard with all Prius, so there is no avoiding it. Tom
You should be able to buy one with out any packages. I have driven one before. It had cruise control. But, it didn't have the smart key or the back up camera (pkg 2). The best is to look at inventory online and see the msrp. If it is below $24,000 that is the one. But, personally I would get at least a pkg 2. That has most of the options people want...vsc, smart key, back up camera. It is only $500 more.
Very few dealers stock the prius with no packages. I've looked into that option as well. Most common is package 2, which actually I'd really recommend over the base anyway. Smart key and backup cam are fantastic features well worth the additional price.
Thanks all for the help. It seems that the dealer was wrong about there being no such thing as a base w/o options, and I may have found one for a smidge under $20K. (Going to see it later today.) I wonder how low they will go for base with pkg 2 once the 2010 comes out (this Wed.?) ... I saw posts that mention $20K for a base with pkg 2 near Chicago and a base w/o options for well under $20K near Tampa. Since there seem to be very few base w/o options available It sounds like there may well be resale issues. I think Consumers recommends the rear camera but what is the advantage of the smart key? BTW I currently drive an '88 Honda CRX that gets great mileage. The only problem is I am guaranteed road-kill if I am in an accident with anything but a Cooper Mini!
The vehicle you are going to look at is a package one. It was originally made for fleet customers. This model is what most state goverments use. It should be available for about $19,500. I would highly reccomend going with a package two. The smart key system is wonderful especially when you have your hands full and can't get to your keys. The backup camera is great because you can actually see behind you. If you just look out the back window you will definetly hit something. Even though it is cheaper don't do it because you will regret it within a week.
I drive a package two. I rarely use the cruise control. Smart key is nice but honestly I wouldn't miss it that much. Same for the backup camera. The only feature that really sold me up to a package 2 was the AUX jack so I could plug in my MP3 player. If this isn't an issue for you, I would say definitely go for the package one.
There was a dealer advertising a pkg 2 in Chicago for $19,999. It is a great deal if you can get one at that price at one of your dealers. Get at least a pkg 2. You will not regret the extra money spent. Also, pkg 2 is what dealers have the most of.
I have never seen any dealer have a base model without any options. The lowest is with a cruise control option. You can possibly special order a base model without any options, but then you will be dinged to pay the MSRP without any discount just because it is a special order from the factory and take months to arrive. Right now the 09 is heavily discounted and you should be able to get a pkg 2 for under $20K before T&L.
I went to see the no options prius I found locally and it is just that - no options - doesn't even have cruise control. Want a smidge less than $20K for it. I don't see pkg 2 around here for $20K. Isn't that below invoice?
The 2009 booklet does not list a base model. Package availability depends on what your state's region decides to import from Toyota. At Toyota's website you'll only be able to build a car that is available from the region based on zip code.
yes, that is below invoice. toyota has a rebate right now. it just depends on your area. in il it is $1000. so, basically you can get a prius for $1000 below invoice. just check out: to check out incentives for your area.