It is an old myth that appears every first day of spring. Often shows up in the New York Times, Washington Post and even the Wall Street Journal. You can test the hypothesis that you can "balance an egg on end in the northern hemisphere on the Vernal Equinox." In fact, you can balance an egg any day, anywhere, the phenomenon has nothing to do with the Vernal Equinox. See: Plait, P. (2002). The Yolks On You: Egg Balancing and the Equinox (pp. 11-20). Bad Astronomy. New York NY: John Wiley & Sons. It is fun and it is amazing how many pseudo explanations people come up with to explain how it is possible to balance an egg on end on the Vernal Equinox.
...we have open water again. The sheet ice melted, and the pack ice blew out. Unfortunately the forecast is for more snow and high winds. Tom
Oh ho, so that nasty Spring blizzard we got IS moving your way ... You do admit it was funny watching my poor little snowblower struggling, the little wheels spinning on the ice under all that heavy wet snow. I can look back on that now and almost smile myself
Just as the snow is beginning to melt, it is replaced with ash. Redoubt ash dusts Anchorage, airport closed: Volcanoes |
Not really. The ash is inconvenient, and can wreak havoc on electronics, airplanes, cars, etc., but we have not, and likely won't, receive significant ashfall in Anchorage. However, when it was actually falling yesterday, I stepped outside to have a look, and my eyes were irritated immediately due to the fine grit and sulfur. From a geology standpoint, I think it is really cool to witness such an event first hand, but this could go on for some time. The last time Redoubt erupted, there were eruptions every few hours to days for about five months. So this could become a major inconvenience if it persists throughout the summer, mostly because air travel in and out of Anchorage comes to a screeching halt.
you know it's spring here because everyone is having allergy problems with all the pollen....... and the Mississippi is rising. That causes the gamblers to have to enter the casinos on the upper level rather than the middle level because the walkway from the land-based part to the boat adjusts to the river........ I guess that might mess up their mo-jo or something.........
I live across the street from an apple orchard and mid to late fall they put up a temporary fence to prevent snow drifts from blowing into the road. Every spring they take the fence away. They haven't taken the fence away yet, so I know it's not spring. Yet opening day for the Red Sox is soon. I don't really know what to think.
Meh, that's nothing. Up here, you know its spring when you step on that "crack" and a major sinkhole opens up underneath ...
We have a similar thing here. When the Coast Guard buoy tender sets the bell buoy in our bay we know that spring is officially here. Tom
The peepers started up in the swamp out back the other night. . Been working on my black-belt pothole-avoidance technique; there have been some real tire-eaters opening up but at least most of them are getting patched reasonably quickly. . _H*