Not her biggest fan but this is unlike her not to post for this long a period. Hope nothing has happened to her. Wildkow
I was wondering the same thing. I even looked at her last few posts because I was wondering if she got banned for some reason. She last time she posted was near the end of Jan, IIRC.
Not banned in my recollection nor is there anything in her account profile indicating a status other than "active."
I agree all that anger and outrage would burn anyone out. Since Tony confirmed that she wasn't banned I hope it's not illness or an accident. Wildkow p.s. Good thoughts and prayers going her way regardless.
Geez, it's always the girls that are missed (not me) That said, Godiva if you're reading this, COME BACK WE MISS YOU <3 <4 !!!
Sorry Mark but I see you're still on the Priuschat Folding Team so I hadn't noticed. :cheer2:WELCOME BACK! :cheer2: Keep Folding for Humanity Brother! Wildkow
I didn't mean that quite that literally. But, you're :welcome: FWIW, there is absolutely nothing cooler on the Internets that females participating on a forum.
I am missing her presence, too... I hope everything is ok with her... though, here in CA, spring is in full force, so hopefully she's just busy putting in her vegetable garden... and not just any old vegetable garden. Knowing her, she's building a raised bed with planks she's hand-hewn from a timber that fell next door using lag bolts she machined herself and plated in her garage. And while she's relaxing in the evening, she's redecorating the house with curtains she's sewn herself from fabric that she wove during February from organic sheep's wool she shewn, carded and spun herself. Her talents seem boundless... I hope she's up to something 'fun' like that .
Well, maybe this will bring here out..... Seventeen, a beauty queen She made a ride that caused a scene In the town Her long blonde hair Hangin' down around her knees All the cats who dig striptease Prayin' for a little breeze Her long blonde hair Falling down across her arms Hiding all the lady's charms Lady Godiva She found fame and made her name A hollywood director came into town And said to her "How'd you like to be a star?" "You're a girl that could go far" "'specially dressed the way you are" She smiled at him Gave her pretty head a shake That was Lady G's mistake A-hey-hey-hey Lady Godiva He directs certificate 'X' And people now are craning their necks To see her 'cause she's a star One that everybody knows Finished with the striptease shows Now she can't afford her clothes Her long blonde hair Lyin' on the barber's floor Doesn't need it long anymore Lady Godiva Peter and Gordon, circa September '66 Come back Lady G!
Redundant I could do a drive by when we go visit the in-laws in about a week ... I know Pat used that word coincidentally .... Right