i wave every time i see another on the road....have gotten very few back. its sad i get more waves when i drive the old beat up f250
i live in pittsburgh, and i had a non prius as my first car, so naturally i wanted a prius. i learned to recognize all prius that were on the road, "classics" included. i finally got a prius in xmas 2007, and by that time i saw all the prii around and not that long ago i started waving to all the prii i saw on the road, along with a "hi prius!"; because honestly arent we all excited to see another prius on the road. i have got a few waves, but mainly people look at me like im insane. i do have a typically vibrant colored mohawk, and a interesting winter hat, but i think its cause they are afraid to step out side them selves that they look at me when i wave.
yes, they do here in Baton Rouge..........I was taken back at first because I hadn't experienced that since being an early Mustang owner in the mid-60's (shows my age!!), but I love it.........
I have a Mini and almost every Mini driver gives a wave or flashes their lights. I think it's cool and would like it if when I get my Prius that the waves would continue.
I have been trying that also, but I did transfer the file with my laptop but the contacts never show up in the prius. Use this link to see if you can do it with your phone. My iPhone does not support transfers so I was doing it on my laptop. boppo http://priuschat.com/forums/file-library/5568-bluetooth-phone-book-transfer-using-laptop.html
I had another Prius driver (with the same color Prius as mine) wave to me on my drive home shortly after I got it. Since then we wave to each other most every day. I've waved to other Prii without much response, but it is Arizona and you really need to watch the road (or more often the other drivers).
Corvette owners do the wave still and your right when I bought my vette I noticed the wave. Mine is a 89 Coupe . The Newer Vettes owners are to high class to wave or maybe they can't afford to.
Its funny you mention the Vette ... my dad bought one in 2002 and he waved to all the vettes .. It was really annoying he would ... I wave to all the Prius people ... even when Im not driven my Prius.... haha
I take exception to this comment. I wave when driving ours, but seldom when in the Prius. I think it's more about when I am driving and what's on my mind. In the Prius, I am more "business" as it is my daily driver to and from the office or client sites. When in the vette, it's more about the fun factor and enjoying the weather with the top down - so I think I am less focused on getting from A to B and notice people more. Plus, let's face it - there are just a lot more Prii on the road these days and many new owners just don't get it. As for newer vette owners that don't wave, I think it's similar - some just don't get it. Some folks buy nice expensive cars to signify they have arrived or it's more of a status symbol. But a true enthusiast for a particular car, whatever the car, comes from all walks of life and I'd venture to say are the ones that get it. It's more of a lifestyle rather than a means to an end. Kind of similar to the biker community and how biker folks usually wave to each other regardless of what they're riding. Either way, if I don't wave to you - don't get your shorts in a twist. Chances are I didn't see you or something else had my attention in spite of the fact it may have looked like I was looking right at you. It's nothing personal...yet. , jk