Here in NJ It costs 75 cents to put air in the tires. And that's if you can do all 4 tires in less than 3 minutes. It used to be free. The oil companies know they'll sell more gas if people don't go to the air pump. Gee how clever they are! There should be a law that mandates free air at gas stations.
Actually, my local Mobil station has free air, and I know there are other places around where you have to pay for the air, but the one I go to is free...
I doubt it is part of any grand conspiracy. I have seen free air and coin operated air at different stations in many towns.
Air pumps were installed at gas stations for your convenience. Some stations have them some don't. Some stations charge for their use and some don't. If you don't like paying $0.75 for 3 minutes buy an air compressor and air up your tires at home.
Go back to paying full service rates for gasoline and maybe the stations will feel they can afford free air. I remember when gas stations would fill your car, check the oil, wash the windows, and give you a free glass when you filled up. Market pressures that drive down cost often also drive down service. Tom
I have found that all of the stations I used to go to will turn it on for free if asked, even when the pump requires quarters to turn it on. Just ask. I now own a compressor, but realize this may not be practical for everyone.
Also, in California. And we aren't all communists yet. You often have to ask the station to turn on the compressor for you, but if you are a paying customer, they are required to provide air free of charge. Of course, some stations are able to skirt their responsibility by making sure the air compressor never works. :madgrin:
We have free air at a few stations. Last I checked the air hoses had been sliced off at each of them.
The Shell station in Burlington has free air. Buy a compressor, stow it under the deck & plug it in your aux power port whenever you want. Chances are the oil company doesn't own or run the station.
A hand-powered bicycle floor pump is cheap. And much more convenient than going to a station to top off the tires. I have a 12V electric pump too, but find hand pumping quicker and easier than coiling and repacking the cord of the electric pump.
I use a 7 gallon air tank purchased from Wal Mart a few years ago. It was fairly cheap, around $20 or so. Tank has a gauge and hose attached. I don't have to add much air to the Prius tires, they hold well. But, I can top off the tires at home a number of times before I need to refill it to about 120 psi. There is a 76 station nearby whose air hose is almost always working.
Conspiracy theorist are we? 1. Large air compressors cost money. 2. Running these compressors is not cheap 3. Giving away goods at a loss is a government job, not private company Would you leave your hose out by the road for anyone to wash their car?
Do what I did years ago. I purchased a 12V air pump. Got lucky and bought one on sale for $14. I carry it with me wherever I go and use it once a month to top off the tires. It has long since paid for itself.
"A hand-powered bicycle floor pump is cheap. And much more convenient than going to a station to top off the tires." I also use a bicycle pump and always check/adjust tire pressure in the morning before the car has been driven.
Don't forget to put an in-line nitrogen filter on your bicycle pump, so you can "nitronize" your tires when refilling. Tom
OMG, thanks for that idea! I'm going to need a source of income when my unemployment benefits run out. I will sell a bicycle pump on Ebay with a filter attached to it to "Nitronize" the tires. My filter will feature the latest nano filtering technology. It will improve the mpg by 10% and HP by 25%. I'll kick you back 1% of the profits for giving me the idea. :madgrin:
Free air pump or not, I don't think this has anything to do with the oil companes. It's on discretion of the Gas Station owner to provide free-use or charge of air pump. Yea, running these large pumps are not 'free' and they do suck up some kWatts to run. But the conspiracy logic should be reversed: You do sell more gas if providing Free Air-pump, because mostly everyone likes to stop by pumping tires and do fill-ups too, since they're in the gas station already.