Soon after buying my 2008 Prius (package 3), I noticed a rattle coming from the center console speaker, and had it replaced. Now at 19,500 miles, I noticed the passenger-side door speaker sounded horrible, and that through the speaker grille, I could see that the cone was warped compared to the matching speaker. What's going on? Is there some deeper problem with the stereo that's making it blow speakers?
There aren't many complaints about the center speaker blowing, since most people disconnect it pretty quick. I think you just may have been unlucky with 2 of them going out. Not sure how serious you are on sound, but this may be a good opportunity for an upgrade
seriously, i havent blown any speakers........YET........(knock on wood) and i've cranked metallica on 40+ when i have bad days. interesting thread though.
Creased speaker cones often occur due to overexcursion, caused by very high bass boost. Typically they'll distort before they're damaged. I presume you didn't hear distortion, or that your musical choices have so much distortion you can't tell.
That was a joke in reference to This is Spinal Tap. In that mockumentary one of the band members was very proud that their amplifier "went all the way to eleven" where most volume controls stopped at ten. Obviously it's completely relative and therefore silly. Tom
Oh, that's a fantastic film. I was just replying to the post above yours. Any mine doesn't even stop at 11 -- it goes up to 63.
The fact that you know it goes up to 63 may explain the small speaker issue you are having! To all those folk whose autos I can hear a block away, enjoy Tinnitus, its caused by subjecting yourself to repetitious OVERLY LOUD noise, I.E. music, jack hammers, the drone of a couple hundred muffin fans all spinning their little impellers to their death in a confined room! It will occur, a little later in life, but surprise, it's coming! Don't get me wrong I put myself through collage mixing sound for bands. Great gigs all, Some of those boys were way loud! I love to crank it up. Still attend 7 to 10 concerts a year. That being said I am now paying for it!!!