Out of interest, who on here Twitters? Feel free to @ me a tweet at some point! Twitter / aminorjourney. A belated set of wishes for last week and advance ones for Thursday!
nope have heard about it though, looks like a good social site..but I have enough places to go to as it is..and kinda of like old fashioned forums the most.
Twitter is taking off in some strange directions. I think the initial idea was for people to keep track of what there friends were doing moment by moment so they could possibly meet if they happened to be in the same area. Now the media has really jumped on it. I am following a number of celebrities who tweet on a daily basis. I follow a microsoft xbox bigwig who uses the name MajorNelson and he gives out codes for free games randomly as well as reporting on issues with the xbox network. I follow JetBlue because I use that airline frequently and they twitter about deals, delays, new routes, etc. I have seen television and print media use twitter to get instant responses to opinions about current issues and then post them on the fly. My tweets are boring, 'cause I'm a geek.
I sure as heck don't need another distraction/obligation in my life. It's hard enough for me to remember to update my facebook status from time to time.
nope............don't "twit" though I have an account. PC keeps me busy enough..... Seriously, is it really a worthwhile thing to do? I need some advice here..........
I can understand following somebody's twitter posts such the the Secret Code guy, but I can't understand the appeal of setting up my own account. "I am now picking my left nostril." (30 seconds later) "I am now picking my right nostril." - I would say "who CARES?" but apparently millions do.
i twitter i guess.... mostly just receive tweets... i have them sent to cellphone as text messages. following a few techie guys. they provide news on the up and coming tech gadgets... i guess my question is why are twitter messages called "tweets?" should the messages be called "twits?" or should the technology be called "tweeter?" edit thanks for PC link Bill, i am following
Meh...not for Canadians. The CRTC authorised Canadian cell phone providers a 0.25$ PER SMS message, in both directions. Meaning even if you have a Data Plan, but your cell phone plan doesn't have a provision for SMS messages, you are directly charged 0.25$ per SMS, whether you sent it, or received it. So that has put me off Twitter for now. On my BlackBerry I use Viigo, for the RSS reader. Why bother RSS of Twitter - PriusChat when I can RSS the forum directly?
well in US, its 20 cents per text if you dont have a plan. but i have 5 lines on unlimited message plan for videos, pictures and text. for $30... money well spent. have a niece on my plan who does around 10,000 texts a month
well i dont use twitter to chronicle my daily activities unless its rather significant or i am loooking for advice. it has become a great source of info if you are having technical issues. now granted, its only really effective if you have a large following which i dont have. so what i do do is "follow" tech people who do have large followings. they frequently have issues with something new they are reviewing and post those issues. well i can look at the responses they get and on a few occasions they have actually either answered a question i had or answered a question i hadnt yet realized i had. i have only put out 2 messages on me, one of which was to announce that i am going to see "Walking with Dinosaurs" at Key arena in Seattle on May 2nd. it is supposed to be a "cant miss" show. so i put that out, hoping that someone who has already seen it would respond with their opinion but with only 2 followers (maybe slightly more) i did not get a response. oh well
60 Minutes had a piece on Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. I didn't realize he was behind Square (not that I really care about it) and didn't know what was his inspiration behind Twitter was until I watched the piece. is probably what they aired. FWIW, about the only reason why I use Twitter is to enter drawings/sweepstakes. I don't check my feed regularly at all. I don't even have a text message plan on my cell phone as I don't text. I actually opened my Twitter account when I was a CES. Seagate required you to enter by tweeting something. So, I downloaded a couple Twitter clients, created an account and tweeted why the required. One other time, I and others were trying to communicate w/the seemingly clueless FiOSTV guy over a copy protection issue on Verizon FiOS. That's a long story and his replies were basically useless.
I don't: twitter facebook linkedin google+ I'm uncomfortable with systems that expect members to recruit others . . . prompting for e-mail or contact information. I do recommend PriusChat, subject-specific YahooGroups, and other forums that provide value for the actives we share. . . . with one exception. In 2008, I was trying to get some work done and our 'open office' peace was disturbed almost every other day by 'the usual suspects' arguing 'gun control this', 'Liberals that', ad nauseaum. A couple of weeks later, my wife and I decided to donate to a campaign and as we finished the web form, up came a 'form letter' we could modify and give five e-mail addresses . . . and knew who! So I added: what I remembered writing It worked! So why did I bring this up? I'm into projects and activities and the friendships and associations follow. I go to work . . . to work . . . and the airplane shed to play. Systems that solicit additional members from me have different goals than mine. Bob Wilson
As I mentioned, I'm on Twitter primarily to enter sweepstakes. As for Facebook, I like it. It lets me keep up w/what friends are up to, broadcast certain interesting/cool articles or videos, broadcast certain things going on w/me or ask questions. Also, it is kinda cool to see some of George Takei's posts. He posts funny stuff all the time. I suggest that folks get on it just to lurk, even if they intend to post nothing. As for LinkedIn, I used to be VERY passive on it. I didn't really care when I was at my former work. Some of my former coworkers (in WA state) aren't on it. It just wasn't important where I worked before. However, according to surveys taken by NOVA - one-stop career transition services (local workforce development group) of local companies, it is VERY important for job hunting in my area. I don't remember the stats, but it was a very high % of recruiters in the area use it. I think it might've been as high as 90+%. I've had direct recruiters from companies reach out to me via LinkedIn and gotten some phone interviews and an interview. It also is a means of trying to get a resume in front of a human (e.g. a recruiter or the hiring manager) instead of possibly being in a sea of resumes or being screened/filtered out by automated screening questions. As for Google+, it's useless to me. I know few people on it. I'm only on it because one of my friends used to post some of his stock related stuff there.
Interesting about LinkedIn being used this way. I've always avoided "head hunters" except when I've had a difficult employee . . . hummmm . . . then I always pass on the name of our difficult people. Hummmmm. Bob Wilson
The only things I accept tweets from are the Mars Curiosity Rover and NASA. There is just something Cool about a Droid on Mars Tweeting findings to you! What's next?