I have been getting signals that my low and high beams are set too high. I have a manual that shows where the adjustment wheel is but it does not indicate which way to rotate the wheel (from the front of the car) to raise or lower the beam. It is a difficult area to access and I would appreciate any knowledge anyone has regarding this problem.
If you realize where the adjusting device is and how to turn it that's more than half the battle. I can't remember whether CW or CCW lowers them but it's very easy to find that out. Show the headlights on a wall and mark the top (or apparent center) with tape. Then turn in one direction and count the turns you make. Rfeer to tape on wall - did the light move up or down? It is more difficult to know how much effect an adjustment has on lighting the roadway, and uncoming drivers' eyes. You may have to try a few times to get the correct setting.
Yes, please tell us. I think you have the HID lights. Clockwise to lower, counter clockwise to raise. 8 mm wrench.
There's a part that looks like an upside-down bottle cap (those metal ones). That's the headlight adjuster. I believe CW is down and CCW is up. If you're not sure, I'd park a good distance away from a wall or garage door. Ensure that the vehicle is level (or as close to that as possible), mark the headlight on the wall or door with masking tape and adjust as necessary. You'll quickly find out which is up and which is down
Turns out I have a package 4. What is clockwise and what is counter clockwise? Looking from the front or from the rear?
Think of it as tightening or loosening a screw. Tightening = clockwise, loosening = ccw. Tighten down, loosen up. From looking at the adjuster as if you were sitting on the engine facing front.