You get an efficiency meter in the info display, probably more to the point of what some use the tach for anyway, but yes, a geek mode to include RPM would have been nice for hypermilers. Then again, we'd have to figure out all over again the efficiency ranges of the new ICE for it to make much sense. BTW, new max RPM is 5200rpm now.
Just purchase a ScanGauge. It provides all sort of diagnostic info including rpm. It connects to the OBD port.
No, there is no useful instrumentation in the 2010 and the hole I used to thread the ScanGauge cable through is gone. When I complained, Natay didn't understand why anyone would want such info as inverter temp, coolant temp, RPM, and GPH.
I'm not sure why you'd need a tach? Especially with an electronically controlled CVT? It's not like you'll be deciding which gear to use going up or down a If it's because you want to determine the best highway mpg using the engine's rpm, you could simply do a little experimenting by checking highway mpg at different speeds (within the speed limit of course ). Help me out? Is there a good reason other than curiosity?
There are many of us who pay close attention to RPM (and other operating parameters) in order to drive efficiently and maximize fuel economy. With a little bit of pedal control, there is a surprising amount of control the operator can have over the engine speed.
SOme hypermilers use the RPM to set an economical speed, you can fit a scan guage for about $160 which gives you a tacho and temperature gauges and if your clever you can get lots of other information from it like inverter temperature. Search Xgauge.
I complain about a lot of things... Lack of a Tach, I will not. Aside from a couple, who really gives a crap? Give me something useful like a backup camera instead.