I just sold my 2007 #4 and bought a 2009 #5. Supposedly the car just arrived at the dock and will be delivered in a week or so! Anyway, I had the OEM Sirius kit installed on the 2007, and it worked great. This evening I went into the car and removed the receiver (PTS31-53060) but left the wiring / fit kit (PTS31-47060) in place, because frankly I didn't want to deal with the headache of removing everything associated with the install. Is the PTS31-47060 fit kit compatible with the 2009 Prius? Can I just order another PTS31-47060 and have them installed in the new Prius?
skip it, give all the parts to the guy who bought the car and buy the scc1 and toy-sc1 combo for only $149. its a better unit. those toyota parts are years old and sell for $500 and only display 10 characters,they are crap even if you have a fit kit, the original sirius radio is going to cost 2x what the scc1 tuner and toy-sc1 interface sell for
Yes, you can use the old Sat. tuner and order a new installation kit. Personally, I would pull the whole fit-kit from the other car and not give it away. I'm sure you spent alot for it, Keep on getting your money out of it in the new Prius.
PTS31-47060 fit kit sells for $92 $57 dollars more buys you a newer satellite radio setup with 16 characters vs 10!
save the $57.00. as you know the original works fine. i never look at the sat screen while driving so i have never understood the 10 vs 16 who cares. i do like going to my presets with the button on the steering wheel vs having to go to the sat screen to find them while driving. and for sure it's not crap works great.
Yeah. When I originally bought the OEM kit, I was disappointed by the 10 character limit, but it turns out I really didn't care once I started using it. I know it works, I've already ripped out the expensive component (the receiver) to reuse, so I'm just going to stick with what I know works. Thanks all!
I am about to buy an '09 Touring, with Leather/Navi (package #6). I see (and confirmed with local toyota dealers) they they are no longer selling the Sirius (except for dealers who have some older ones left). Does anyone know if the XM tuners that they are selling will work with the merged Sirius/XM? Or will I need to buy both tuners to get both lineups? I also have a Sirius Stilletto, and it gets both the XM and Sirius streams, but only after the merger, not beforehand. I am curious if anyone knows the answer to that, as my dealers certainly do not. Thanks.
I just bought a 2009 Prius base w/#5. Told dealer I wanted Sirius satellite, saw that he filled out form w/XM. Told him "no" I have a Sirius account. He said "it doesn't matter it's all the same now, they merged". He said I could activate new radio w/my current Sirius account. WRONG. Cannot activate XM radio and link to existing Sirius account. Have since found out Toyota no longer sells/installs Sirius so I am looking for aftermarket in dash Sirius to integrate w/my existing equipment. Want to avoid install of new/other unit in dash and want to utilize my existing screen. Niether Toyota corp., Best Buy, or Sirius have been able to tell me how to proceed to get Sirius. Aaarrrgghghghh!!!! I want to find retailer to install Sirius and have dealer remove XM and refund money paid. I have a great deal w/Sirius for 2nd radio. Will end up paying twice as much for years if I MUST go to XM. Anyone have any advice? Thanks!
My advice is to wait and see if Sirius XM is still in business come March. Sirius XM has almost $200 Million in debt coming due at the end of February. They have announced they can't pay this debt and have hired at team to file Chapter 11 bankruptcy. I see three possible outcomes: Though unlikely they might be able to refinance their debt and avoid bankruptcy. They may file bankruptcy and continue to operate under bankruptcy protections. Or they might collapse and liquidate. Neither Sirius or XM ever made a profit as stand-alone companies. The merged Sirius XM hasn't made a profit either. The only way I see them becoming profitable in the near future is to significantly raise rates. I have about 10 months left on a one year contract with Sirius. I would like to get Sirius unit to use in my home to compliment the service in my car. I'm holding off on that purchase until I know: Sirius will remain in business How much service is going to cost
Hey everybody, thanks to all who reply to these excellent topics. My fiance has a 2008 pkg. 6 and a satellite subscription, but has not been using it in her Prius. I am considering buying the fit and attempting to install it myself. I know close to nothing about radios etc. Two quick questions: First how easy is this installation really? I can follow directions very well do you all think I could pull this off? Second, is there any effect on the factory warranty etc? Thanks. J.
Actually, they've accepted a deal with Liberty media. As a result of this deal, they now have three years before they have to start paying back that debt, which means that subscribers to both services may face a rate increase, but will not lose service for a few years, minimally, if ever. Here's an article that explains it, as it currently stands. I found this quite good news: FORBES ARTICLE ON SIRIUS
Never mind. I looked around and think I get it now. Audio is not something I'm familiar with. I can get both scc1 & sc1 from retailers. Just want to be sure - this will be an in dash install that integrates w/my existing nav & screen? No additional control panel or display? Thanks again ...
Cool. Last news I saw had them preparing for bankruptcy. Today's news has Liberty is giving them $530M is loans (at 15% interest) in exchange for 40% of Sirius XM. Sirius XM's deal with Liberty Media gives it an "out" - BloggingStocks I also see they are offering some smaller channel packages for less $. (Sirius has 50 Channels for $6.99) Sirius and XM are flying high - for now I'm not sure how the Liberty deal changes the picture in the long run. Sirius has just taken on what amounts to a 3 year interest only loan to refinance old debt and cover future operating costs. I don't see them being is a better financial position come May 1, 2011 without some major changes. Like getting rid of Stern's $100M per year contract and Oprah's $40M per year contract plus charging more to subscribe.
That's correct. The hardest part is reaching the back of the radio to plug it in. You can either do a full dash disassembly, or remove the lower glove box and vent to the right of the radio and loosen the big white junction block. You then have just enough room to reach around the back of the radio.
Some of your answers may be at XM Satellite Radio - America's #1 Satellite Radio Service or here : http://www.xmradio.com/onxm/full-channel-listing.xmc If you are located in a hilly area consider having the antenna located on the roof instead of the passenger side dash as is suggested in the XM inallation manual...the Sirius directions use the roof (both can be found on PC site) Mine came on the dash and reception was improved greatly after moving it. Enjoy your Prius...we do :welcome:
Fantastic. Thanks all. I just wanted to be sure before I had dealer remove xm (which they agreed to do w/a full refund). I'll have a retailer install scc1/toysc1. Looks like Tweeter is going out of business, so I guess Best Buy. Does the retailer install affect warranty for nav or anything? Thanks again!