I've been meaning to due this mod since seeing the previous install, but have had trouble finding an '05 Corolla seat (cheap). You state from '03 to '08 will work, huh? Time to go to the local U-pull it. This will be my next project. Thank you.
Yes, any '03 to '08. I think a 1st generation Matrix/Vibe seat will work also. They have the same plastic trim on the lower section and the mounting feet are in the same location as the Corolla. The Scion Tc has a very similar looking seat configuration also but it has an extra control for the lower bolsters that may not be compatible with the Prius seat.
Looks like it's spreading. Here is another one... I started with an '06 corolla seat I picked up from a junkyard for $25. While I had the seat opened up I also added two pnuematic lumbar support bags for additional comfort. One in the center of the seat back and the other in the front of the seat bottom. I've got the seat back together and installed, but don't have the controls for the lumbar support hooked up yet. I attempted to quantify the difference this made in seat position. This can be seen in the attached photo.
Very cool! Did you have much trouble with your conversion? In the end I ended up adding some spacers under the front feet of the converted seat. My wife did not like the drop in the front edge and the spacers fixed it perfectly. I actually like it better now with the spacers added because it gives me even more knee support with the seat down.
the lumbar spine starts with your L1 vertebrae which is roughly at the same height as your 9th rib. your 9th rib is one of the "false ribs" that connects to cartilage rather than to your chest bone. it looks like the pneumatic support bag he put in is a bit high. but hey, if its comfortable to him thats all that matters. what i want to see is the controls for the lumbar support:rockon:
The conversion was more work than I thought it was going to be, but hopefullly well worth it. I've only driven it a couple of miles so far and love the increased visibility from sitting a little bit lower. I'm getting ready to drive over 1000 miles this Saturday. I'm hoping this modification makes that trip more comfortable. I didn't add any spacers and noticed even at the highest level the front of the seat sits a little bit lower. I added the air bladder up there and should be able to raise the front end a little bit more with that.
It is too high to be true lumbar support. I guess it would be better to describe it as mid back support. It is different for everyone, but for me that's what felt the best.
The '03 and '04 that I found had a slightly different configuration. They did not have a lever for height adjustment. Instead they had a circular knob that adjusted something. I ended up restricting my search from '05 - '08.
I would love to do this, but this seems too complicated for me. Too bad Toyota doesn't just sell a replacement seat that has the lift mechanism in it already. Do the Recaro's mentioned on this site have height adjustment?
Wonder if one could retrofit a G3 seat into a G2 Prius... BTW, awesome job, jelloslug. That is one heck of a mod.
Anyone have a good link for the Recaro seat mentioned on this site. I see it mentioned often, but no link. Search isn't helping. And I went to Recaro's web site and no matter how I look there, I keep getting brought back to some child safety seats.
John, The Recaro website is terrible. But here's a link to its page for its "Ergonomic" line of seats: .: RECARO :.. If you're really interested, I would suggest finding a dealer near you and calling them and going there personally. They might have Recaro seats not shown on the page I linked for you, e.g., the XL model seat that a PriusChatter recently installed on his Prius, and should be able to answer questions that the terrible Recaro website does not. Be advised that we're talking in the neighborhood of $3000 installed.
jelloslug, I missed seeing this thread until now ... major hats off to you for excellent work :rockon:
I wish I had the time and know-how to really do this mod myself. I'm not even 6'1", but find i'm lowering my head to see the lights and whatnot. Well done to all who have done this mod.
jelloslug, If the mounting points for the floor pan are totally different, how did you get the Corolla rack to bolt to the Prius chassis? In the Prius, the left rear (looking forward) the bolt goes downward, on the right, the bolt is sideways. Did you weld the Prius feet onto the Corolla rack to match the footprint?
Also, does this mod allow you to move the seat bottom back as far as the stock Prius mount? Does it allow you to lower the back of seat bottom 1 to 2" without raising the front height of the seat?