We did a similar poll in another forum with 5 year divisions, the same as the USA Census. We then looked at the age distribution, adjusted for the 2003 Census data, and noticed the Prius owner ages didn't follow the Census age distribution: It seems we have a relatively high proportion of 'Sputnik generation' owners: It wasn't until I included the approximate birth year that one event came clear, sputnik. It looks like many of us grew up in time of great interest in space. As one of the geriatric members, I know space and aviation always played a big part of my imagination time. In this small, self-selected population, I find this association entertaining. Although the 10 year buckets are a little cruder, I see a similar pattern. But of course, humans are so good at seeing patterns that we are perfectly entertained by games of chance. Bob Wilson
Well obviously it's a church, let me post it in the Darwin thread as disproving Origins of Species and proof of Creation.
well i am in my 40's (barely) my Dad who also has a Pri is 80. so we probably cover the biggest and the smallest percentage
I am 74, but will be 75 next month and my wife is 71. We have had our 07 Prius for two years and had an 03 Civic hybrid for 5 years before that. I can't say enough good things about the car, granted the handling could be improved, but other than that it is a fun car to drive.
Early 40's on this end. When I was in my 20's, a Hybrid car did not exist. Perhaps in 10 years time, we will go Nuclear powered.
I answered 30-40 because I'm.... 30. But I was 27 when I bought my Prius..... I think the better question would be, how old were you when you bought your Prius?