Somewhere I saw the part number for the 12 volt battery used in the 04 Prius with the SKS. I also saw a link to a San Diego Toyota dealer who was selling these batteries at a very reasonable price (my dealer wants almost $200); much less than the Optima kit from Elearned. Does anyone have the Toyota battery part number?
28800-21170 is the correct battery, MSRP of $174. Considering freight cost for this very heavy item, you may do better calling the various dealers within a reasonable driving distance to see if you can get a better price locally.
Thanks, Patrick. Toyota Parts Cheap - Genuine OEM has it for $110 and change BEFORE shipping and tax.
Well, tax is about 9% so that brings the price up to just under $120. I recently shipped a 28 lb box to Ohio via UPS Ground and it cost $39. Since the battery weighs way less than that and the distance is MUCH shorter, I don't see shipping being more than $30. So that would make it about $150 or about $38 LESS than buying local, tax included. BTW, I checked my battery yesterday and it was reading 12.3 vdc in ACC mode. The battery is over 4.5 years old.
12.3V is not bad, BTW, since the battery is under some load when the car is ACC-ON. My plan is to replace the battery on my 2004 as a preventive move after it is six years old, or at the end of 2009. When you've successfully ordered the battery and have the final price pls let us know. Shipping a hazardous item might cost more.
Actually according to Toyota, 12.3 Volts is considered to be discharged. I just checked my owners manual too! But it does mention it should be checked in 20 degrees celcius temperature. So a slight drop like that in cold weather could be fine.
With the 12.3 vdc reading, I may wait awhile. What started this is some weird happenings: Sitting in the garage, all of a sudden the horn started blowing When we park and power off, sometimes we get an alert beep, haven't figured out why Standing next to the doors/hatch and pressing the lock button doesn't trigger the first time and I have to press again. I've been told that these could be related to a failing 12v battery
For ease of reference, I numbered your points. I would say that #2 and #3 are likely caused by a bad fob battery, so if you spend $5 at your local drugstore you can take care of those two problems. #1 is mysterious. Do you have an aftermarket alarm system installed?
If you measure 12.3V when the car is IG-OFF and the correct ambient temp is available, then I would agree that the battery is around 50% SOC. However romad measured that voltage when the car was ACC-ON, so that probably corresponds to an IG-OFF voltage of 12.5V or better.
I'll have to see if it happens with my fob or my wife's. Nope, no alarm at all. We didn't get that option when we bought the car and didn't get an aftermarket one. Frankly, we consider alarms worthless as we see how they are ignored when one goes off in a parking lot. Actually, I should clarify: we do have the OEM, manually-triggered-by-fob-button "panic alarm" but not the one that goes off when the car is bumped, breathed on, or if someone looks cross-eyed at it
To provide another reference point, my 2004 was manufactured in 1/2004 so the battery is ~5 years old now. Ambient temp this morning was 48 degrees F according to the MFD. Using my Fluke DMM, I measured IG-OFF voltage to be 12.3V. ACC-ON voltage was 12.0V. I would say that these results would be typical of a battery of that age, it still works but is certainly not in new condition. When measuring battery voltage, you should wait at least one hour after turning the car IG-OFF from READY, so that any "surface charge" on the battery can dissipate before your measurement. Then if you want to measure ACC-ON voltage, do so prior to making the car READY.
This is OK as long as you keep in mind the MFD reading may be slightly off (compared to using a good digital multimeter), and you do the measurement after the car has been IG-OFF for a while, so that the true battery voltage can be measured.
Well, I got an answer from the place in San Diego and they won't ship the battery. Since their web site says that you can NOT pick items up at their location, this makes their site useless.
I don't suppose they told you what their over-the-counter price would be? Usually I buy my Toyota parts via weborder from Champion Toyota in Houston. I eventually will need to buy a battery; Tustin Toyota seems to be the best place locally. However I wouldn't mind driving to San Diego if the price made it worthwhile - could combine some tourist activities with a battery purchase...
According to the DEALER parts page, about $162. Since I really don't seem to need a battery at this time, I'll wait and then get the Optima replacement. Oh, the dealer is Mossy Toyota New and Used Toyota Dealership Serving San Diego Mossy Toyota