I posted this in another Volt thread. Probably deserves its own thread. Am I the first one to notice that Lutz has announced he'll retire at the end of this year - a year before the Volt is to be brought to market? That can't bode well when your biggest champion decides to punch his ticket before the ride begins. Automotive News Email Blast -- Registrants=
sooo... that means what in regards to the development of the Volt? The next person can probably just tell the workers to stop development!
As soon as Congress started discussions about restricting executive compensation for the businesses getting bailout money, it was pretty obvious that Lutz would leave. When you are that old and there is such a dramatic reduction of pay, why not retire? .
I have inspire to this post. I think Congress started discussions about restricting executive compensation for the businesses getting bailout money, it was pretty obvious that Lutz would leave. When you are that old and there is such a dramatic reduction of pay, why not retire?. we have a unique time for retirement ..then we going out..
Selling the car is the marketing. By selling the Prius, the most fuel efficient car in the US, people forget Toyota's big push into trucks and SUV's over the last 5 years.
GOOD F**KING RIDDANCE!! and why cant you leave now?? only a complete idiot (sorry, probably a cutdown to idiots worldwide) would blame a PR stunt on a car that had ZERO advertising dollars for the first 18 months after the product launch of the Gen 2 due to supply issues. IOW, the first 2 years of the instant runaway success of the Prius (which resulted in 3 unscheduled production increases during that 18 months to "try" to meet the demand, and no it was not nearly enough!!) was 100% WORD OF MOUTH... when there is a watershed moment in anything, its a "V-8" moment. some things are just so obvious to so many that convincing is simply not necessary. and lets face it, he knows that the volt when it comes to market will be such a let down compared to its advertised specs it will not sell... and all in all, we have to examine his leadership. GM does not create EV's because they dont know how. they dont create viable hybrids because they dont have the technological astuteness to pull it off. no, they dont do any of that stuff because they simply choose not to. simple as that. they made a decision based on what ever (and what ever it is, i could not care less) and now there are consequences for that decision. as far as GM workers, it sucks to be you that is for sure. but oh well, if you are worth anything, you will find work. i question your sanity sticking with a company as long as you have, but i have been there and it does seem that options are few, but you all just need a kick in the nice person to wake up and smell the coffee. i dont feel sorry for you. what you are going thru is what more than 25% of the country has or is about to go thru anyway and all my sympathy has been used up on them. but they did not have the advantage of knowing for YEARS that the company they worked for was rudderless... you did. so suck it up and DEAL with it
Darell, as you requested. Hybrid Cars: Lutz takes cheap shot at Prius GM: Hybrid compacts don't make economic, environmental sense - Jan. 6, 2004
. NICELY UNDER $30,000 . That's the quote which will likely be regretted the most, since it was made when the propaganda was flying for Volt attempting to belittle Prius. Of course, those of us aware of the battery cost simply scratched our heads wondering how such an absurd claim could be taken seriously. And thankfully, the true price finally emerged... roughly $10,000 more... well above what he had been touting.
Lutz's answers here aren't all that surprising: Robert Lutz: The Exit Interview - Forbes.com Despite all the bashing, I do have to give him credit for getting GM to improve their interiors. Even though many are just average or still below average, they're a hell of a lot better than the Tupperware crap that were putting in their cars before Lutz was there or able to influence anything. (Think cars like the Pontiac Sunfire, Chevy Cavalier and Pontiac Grand Am.) Now Chrysler has the dubious distinction of having amongst the worst car interiors.
He forgot to say, "and I'm the most humble genius in the universe to boot" Bye bye, and enjoy the hunting trip with Cheney
His 46 years of experience in the global automotive business have been invaluable to us." ... Bob, in my book you are a Real Man of Genius. Not everyone can take a Fortune 500 corporation to Penny Stock, loose billions of dollars, then go begging to the government in a personal jet for a bailout. Budweiser salutes you, Mr. American Automotive Industry Wrecker Guy.
The depression, the collapse of GM, (which they will blame on the economy) and the retirement of Lutz, will give GM the excuse to scrap the Volt. I'm sure they had an excuse planned, but now they'll be able to drop their original excuse (probably battery costs) in favor of the new one. My prediction: GM will scrap the Volt before it ever goes into production, and will cite the economy as their excuse. (Possibly indirectly: They may cite their own financial woes as the reason for scrapping the Volt, but will cite the economy as the reason for their financial woes.)
The guy is an automotive genius, GM is in trouble because of decisions made decades ago and decisons beyond its control. Blaming today's management is like blaming Obama for giving away the panama canal. Makes no sense.
Yeah bulls***. The comments this character made (You *did* read those verified comments he made, right?), the time he had to FIX the F Bomb problem before it became impossible to fix (But he didn't), well TFB GM: Hybrid compacts don't make economic, environmental sense - Jan. 6, 2004 I always blame the captain of the ship for when the ship runs up onto the rocks and then founders. I could care less if that captain took the wheel 5 minutes before the maritime disaster, the captain is RESPONSIBLE As one of the "captains" at GM Corp, Lutz, Wagner, et al are the ones to blame, especially with GM on the verge of going Tango Uniform