The last thread done on this was in 2005, so I thought I'd update it as people are more conscious of gas prices and we probably have a much larger sample base. Maybe it's just me, but I very rarely see people in my age group driving a Prius. Definitely out of the hundred+ I've seen, it's been less than 10 (age group 20-29). Also, I managed to get 48.2 mpg for a full tank in weather that never topped 37 degrees F. I just felt like bragging.
I'm 25 just got mine. I have a friend from college who has had hers two or three years she's 27, but her mom also has one, she's in her 50's. I would have gotten one sooner if I could have afforded it. mildly related side note, the fact that miley cyrus drives one makes me feel ill, nothing against her age, just personally believe she's satan.
You "youngins" will become more prominent as the used market increases. Used cars were the norm in early years of employment for most of my generation. Prices will be less and your grnerational interest in the environment as well as quality and low fuel cost will increase sales. You're just on the cutting edge :rockon:
maybe i'm missing your point but i thought this was a poll, i voted and everything i just felt like also commenting. not sure how that makes something a free-for-all in a chat?? but like i said maybe i'm missing your point.
He may have clicked on the thread before I finished setting up the poll. vbulletin makes you post the thread before you can actually create a poll. Kind of annoying! Anyway, snead's point is what I pretty much assumed; most people in their 20's probably can't afford a brand new Prius and the used market isn't very affordable, either. There's also a stigma, at least amongst my friends, that a riding mower has more horsepower than a Prius.
We're mid-forties and bought ours in 2007. Our 21 year old son loves to drive it, and says when he buys his first car that is what he's getting.
I'm 34.. my husband is 42, but I still voted for the 30-39 range, since I was the one who decided to buy our 08 Prius
I'm 47 and proud, all you young bods want to be 47 one day. I bought my Prius used 19 months ago, they are expensive here.
I thought everyone wanted to be me, ask the guys and girls who were at Prius Connection Detroit. You have no idea! How is life in the rat race? Adelaide is awesome. Melbourne, my sympathy to anyone who lives in Melbourne.
I'm 56 and my wife is 54. We bought our Prius a year ago and love it. In our observations, we'd say the average Prius owner is 60! Now whether many of them are on PC is quite another matter. The survey may be skewed because of who is on dicussion forums and who's not on discussion forums
My sympathy goes out to the people who live in Melbourne too ... the LA Times had a major article on the bush fires that have been ravaging huge areas of Victoria recently. We know only too well the devastation such fire causes here in Southern Cal. Hope you haven't been affected Pat.
The average age in our village is 56. The average age of a Prius driver around here is older than that. When discussing age it's important to remember this: while you can't stay young forever, you are never too old to act immature. Tom
Does this latest poll exclude the results from the former poll? I assume it does, otherwise some double-counting will be in the numbers. Incidentally, I am one of those in the 70+ group. I've had my 2008 Prius for 17 months now, and really enjoy and appreciate an excellent piece of automotive engineering. Looks to me as though the 2010 model will be another step forward in hybrid efficiency too.
Agreed Pat, Over the ditch in New Zealand they are freaking expensive new, the only way I could afford one is to get one 2nd hand. I would have loved to have one years ago but just couldn't afford it. But finally found a good one at auction (Ex Govt, (MP's car I think)) So snapped it up. Enjoy every Km
My average age is one. At least, that's the answer I get if I take my age and divide it by the number of years I've been alive.