I have made a few simple mods to my 2008 Prius. 1. Installed a 12v outlet at the back of the center console for rear seat passengers. I hated having to use the one in the console with the cord coming out. This outlet only works when the car is on. This is also helpful when we need an inverter for my wife's laptop. 2. I earlier had posted that I was installing a Garmin GVN 53 GPS to connect to the MFD. I was never satisfied with the image on the MFD so I have installed a monitor low on the dash. 3. I installed an always hot 12v outlet above the new monitor. Pictures can be seen at: dapastaguy - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
That sounds useful. I'm thinking of that for my son's portable DVD player which we hang on the seat in front of him. Did you just wire it into outlet inside the console? Just as a matter of curiousity, how many of your wives typically ride in the Prius? My wife's laptop isn't really used in the car, but if I had more wives, one might appreciate an inverter...
I was gonna say, your wives have to share a laptop? Should get 'em another one so they can make use of the extra outlets.
Now that sounds really cool! Anyone here who has done an DIY Ipod Jack on their stereo so they can listen to MP3s. I find the Pioneer jack really expensive that's why I'm looking for a cheaper alternative. __________________ mazda rx8 starter
I wish I knew, I have had them laying around for years. I am currently looking to find some more just in case I get the urge to put an auxilliary battery in the car and want a 12v outlet in the back.
Do you have pictures of the which wire you tapped and where the ground wire goes? Ogre, you can buy the 12V outlets at Radio Shack. I just installed an always hot one in the rear hatch area.
I installed a rear lighter socket in my Prius. I put it under the rear cup holders. The wires are right there to tap into. I bought the cigarette lighter from Sprint Auto Parts. Don't use an inverter to run a laptop in your car, buy a 12 volt power supply. It uses much less power and generates much less heat. Think about the inverter idea to drive a laptop. 12vDC -> 110vAC or 240vAC -> 18vDC. too complex and cooling fan included, I prefer, 12vDC -> 18vDC with no need for a cooling fan. I use one of these. http://www.dse.com.au/cgi-bin/dse.storefront/en/product/M9695
Thanks for the pics. Looks like it's the gray wire. When I first tried this a few months ago it didn't work. I must've tapped the wrong gray wire or something. Will have to try again...
I haven't hit one yet. I mostly listen to the audio output, only looking at the monitor when I am confused as to my surroundings, or need to take a quick detour and let the gps recalculate
That would be simpler, and I have one of those that I used to use - hmm, I'll have to see if I can round up the tips to match it to the laptop. Thanks. The inverter I would use is one that goes into a cup holder. It has 2 AC outlets, 1 12v outlet, and an usb port for an ipod. I just flip down the rear cup holder and set it in
I'm not a fan of inverters in cars with small batteries. I guess with the Prius it isn't a big deal to leave it in ready mode, it uses very little fuel if the AC is off.