Nothing terribly exciting here, but some day 1 photos from the Toyota Prius Connection Detroit event attended by about 40 Priuschat members plus about 10 other internet names that will be familiar to many of you. Prius Connection Detroit - a set on Flickr Who can you identify?
Russell Frost's photos (Prius Owners Group Owner) here:
Iiiiiinteresting. I see a bunch of lights in the air in the background of many of the pix; what are they for? . _H*
There was lots of colorful mood lighting in the PCD reception area...I don't know that it's for any purpose other than atmosphere. Any shots in particular? They did have a multi-player Prius trivia game where you could win prizes.
Good times are being had by all! My photos - Picasa Web Albums - Rick - Prius Connect... I'm continuing to update this album as more photos are taken.
having a lot of fun, but there are so many people to talk to that it's a little exhausting! i needed a little break to chill out a bit.
Picasa is a pain in the butt. Any chance you can extract the straight picture links and make a simple HTML album of those, a la 10 Prius.jpg and the rest? As an HTML dude you would probably be *appalled* if you look at the source of what Picasa hands you when you ask for the album. . I'm managing to pull most of the content after a whole bunch of source-file massaging but dread the prospect of going back for the updates... . _H*
Saw the pics, very nice.... looks like you all are having a lot of fun... Wayne even managed to get a kiss from a gorgeous woman, how lucky he is! lol... Anyways, I am glad that you are all having so much fun, and what an honor for you all to be invited to this wonderful event! I did not get to see the press conference online, as I was denied access, but I am quite sure it was an awesome sight to see... Have fun everyone. Tell Wayne I love him and miss him... Teresa, (FireEngineers wife)
Teresa. I was asking Wayne about you yesterday; sorry you couldn't make it. I hope you and your kids are doing well. Did you see the pic of Wayne dancing naked on the table?
LOL, No, I did not see that one!!! Damn, I miss all the good stuff! lmao! I will have to have him re-create that for me when he gets home! You all have a great time! Teresa
Earlier today I pulled down a bunch of pix from various repositories, many of which were the same [i.e. copies of the "official" Toyota studio-shot pix and the like]. What's interesting is minor variations across them -- for example, 41_10_Prius.jpg [or however the filename may have varied for you, it's pic # 41] of the general dash and steering wheel area: in the one htmlspinnr put up earlier, there is something reflected in the side-rearview [looks like it might be some lighting trees] and it's a bit lighter overall than the same one I got from, which is darker and has the whole side-mirror 'shopped out to flat grey. What's up with that? Who's releasing what sets to who, and who's taking the trouble to bang in all the edits in between? . _H*
I'm mid-upload of all the main event photos...there are LOTS of detail shots that will answer almost all questions. With so many people we're going to spend weeks here assimilating all the information into something coherent and much more complete. This is a very well thought out car...I'll tell you that the focus is on mainstream acceptance so some compromises were made that many of us fanatics may not think are ideal...but overall this is a nice step up from the 2G.
HI Teresa! I got some good shots of Wayne sticking out from under the front of the new Prius looking for the EBH plug in. He found it! I'll have to post when I get home. My best to you and the kids! David
LMAO!! Thanks Ranger!! I know he called me while on the bus back to the hotel and he was so excited!! I love it when he gets excited... shows me that he is still very young at heart! He told me that the car is very impressive and that he took LOTS of pictures for me to see when he gets home! I appreciate any pics that are taken of him and shown to me, as I get such a kick out of him exploring things!! Hmmm... I wonder if he is going to want to trade in our "05" now for a newer one? Do they have "Cheek Warmers"? lol...private joke between me, Wayne, and Pat Sparks! Anyways, I am not feeling too hot, our daughter and I are feeling a wee bit ill, so I am going to head to bed now.. You all have a wonderful time, and I look forward to checking in tomorrow for more news! Teresa:cheer2: