2008 Prius... replaced original windshield 3 weeks ago. Last week while driving, a car passed me on the right lane and WHAM! a tiny tiny dot on the windshield black dotted area on the side from a rock hit... 10 mins later is a 5 inch crack.. today is about 14 inches long and growing. This is getting REALLY annoying!!! I already had to pay 100 bucks deductible to have it replaced. and now less than a month i have to replace it YET AGAIN! thats another 100 bucks out the window, literally. Is there ANYTHING that can be done to prevent this from happening? something i can put on the windshield like a clear plastic shield or something??? i have a hood deflector, but it doesnt help me against windshield rocks... Its fustrating...
Wow... I didn't realize the windshield would crack so easily. I guess I'll count my lucky stars that I haven't encountered your problem, and hope you have better luck in the future.
A couple days ago I had a big rock hit my windshield with a scary WHACK! but it didn't break. I really expected it to. Anyway, no, there's nothing you can do. Potentially the insurance company used a cheap replacement, but if firmly whacked by a rock any windshield can break.
I'm really sorry to hear about your bad luck. Statistically, you've had your share of broken windshields for about the next half million miles! Better luck in the future!
Never had a broken windscreen in a Toyota in 25 years so sorry, no help. I know cracking as you describe is pretty common with laminated glass after a small chip.
Well, its not a cheap replacement, its the same original one, has toyota branding as well, and also it costs 1.2k according to last bill.
About a month ago. while driving pm the freeway about 70mph, a seagull just missed a truck in the next lane but came right at my windshield. I ducked down fearing glass breakage, but it just bounced off with a big thud. It hit in the dark area just where the rear view mirror was. Sorry for the seagull but the windshield survived. I don't think it would have if it was a rock. You just have to think you're lucky it wasn't large enough to come right through.
Yes, it's annoying, but I have to wonder about who your insurer is. I live in CA also, and my comprehensive has no deductible. I've had a couple of windshields replaced under the comprehensive insurance with no charge to me. Even then, it's still annoying, as it's a pain to find a shop and leave the car so it can be fixed. But it's not a budget breaker, at least. I have the feeling that it's a trade-off: perhaps my premiums are higher than yours and I'm paying more than you in the long run (even with 2 x $100 deductibles).
I don't know all the details, but we get lots of rock chips here in MT. If you can make it to a glass place, they can chip seal it....costs about 30.00 here. Sounds like it didn't let you get that far. I have a star shaped chip in my winshield from the other day....has me scared to run the defrost. I'm waiting for the winshield guy to come to town! Wish there was a way to avoid it, but I think there isn't. I'm sorry for ya.
A common issue with ALL the auto makers these days. In order to reduce weight and cost, they found a way to make the glass quite thin while maintaining strength and safety. But, unfortunately, when you take a hit from a small rock, you're going to get a growing crack - especially if the temps are cool or very warm. Here in AZ, the summer heat is attrocious. If you get a chip, you had better get it sealed very quickly or that chip will develop a growing crack as thermal expansion differences between the outer and inner glass layers will start and promote a growing crack.
I pay no excess if I need a windscreen replaced which might explain why I have never broken one. The most common vehicles to have cracked screens are transport trucks, how the rocks get so high I have no idea, but I see lots of trucks with cracked windscreens. I doubt they are making the screens thin on trucks to save weight.
Good point Pat. Hit glass hard enough and it's going to crack, even if it is bullet-proof glass. I used to drive a Honda CR-X that was a magnet for rocks. I had a cluster of hits in a circular pattern, all just outside my normal field of view. I used to tell passengers that I got them running a police road block. Tom
I'm wondering about applying some sort of protective film to the outer two inches of the Prius windshield? The damned thing will crack from the tiniest chip, yet inexplicably it is fully exposed along the margin, inviting damage in an area that you can't even see through. My thought is that a thin film might absorb/distribute just enough of a small rock impact to prevent the initial chip. (Since there is a already a black border it wouldn't reduce visibility.)
Ok I think I didn't read this idea yet: Many of the mobile windshield replacement people will take, "insurance as full payment" ... meaning if you have a $100 deductable, you're good to go ... IOW Freeeee ! Be glad you're in CA. In Montana, I'd conservatively guess that 1 out of 5 cars has either a crack or chipped windshield. I'm talking a lot of gravel on the paved roads.
My insurance policy came with a small pad of clear plastic round adhesive stickers. It says if I slap one on a chip right away, I am more likely to be able to get to a chip sealing shop before the crack spreads. It sounds kind of dubious to me and I've yet to have occasion to try it, but I suppose they wouldn't be mailing the things out if they didn't think they helped.... -Chap
It is true, by keeping water out of the star crack you don't have it freezing in the crack and opening it up. In warmer places the little clear sticker keeps dirt out of the crack.
because of the angle of the windshield (done to reduce air friction) its difficult to have a rock hit with enough direct force to break the glass. i think you had a lesser grade replacement. and transport trucks had cracked windshields more often, simply because their glass is nearly perpendicular to the ground... if ever been in fight, you know that punches to the face and vary widely. lots of difference between a punch you see coming and can dodge it a bit verses one that you jus stood there right? well, aint much difference here. as far as height goes, when we drove the Al-Can highway to Alaska, it was 1300 miles of 2 lane gravel road at 50 mph. i saw rocks as big as your fist go flying completely over the top of our Dodge Van that had a 3 foot canvas carry thingy on the roof... so height is a non issue, it can easily be done
The works for star chips, not the TINY little indentation that produces the Prius margin cracks. I used superglue on other vehicles with star chips. You probably won't even notice them until you hear a loud pop. (And ours did this well before any frost hit, ice had nothing to do with it.) Having it just crack with a loud pop driving or sitting is a common enough theme for Prius windshields.
Happens the same with OEM glass. That is essentially what mine has done and others described the same. He replaced with OEM and the price suggests that is accurate. For confirmation he can look at the window code on the lower driver's side. It is AGC for the Thai OEM glass in my 2008. This actually indicates the problem is poorly annealed or overly stressed (by body flex?) OEM glass in the Prius--at least in some samples. My Tundra is closer to vertical than the Prius and has taken many hard hits, ones where I still remember seeing and hearing the rock. It has more and deeper chips around the margins, but no cracks. The Tundra glass in mine is OEM PPG (U.S. made.) About half of those who reported Prius chips have cracks and the cracks have almost all proven to be unmanageable. This is way out of line for a normal windshield. I have had many chips and star cracks in other cars, but never a problem crack in a windshield until now. For the Prius to get a single (no others so far) tiny chip by comparison and then have a huge crack develop in short order is statistically very unlikely.