Yep. A tree. but, it was better than going into/onto the lake that was immediately behind the tree. 2 nights ago during the snowfall. Iced over intersections at the bottom of hills FTL. pics later, but here's the rundown: the bad: Drivers front fender is done for. good sized creases and dents in it. Driver's side mirror is done for. Smashed to hell. A pillar has several dents in it, from wedging the car under the branches as I slid into the ditch. Doors are scratched up. the good: the break even point is 1500 bucks on damage (from what my insurance company told me) so if the damage is more than 1500 bucks, i'm going to come out ahead even after the increase in insurance is taken into account (once i put a claim in, i have yet to get an estimate. more good: no glass broke or cracked. the car is still completely driveable. no lights broke. no bumper damage, no wheel damage, alignment is still fine, tire didn't pop. It's pretty much all superficial surface damage. the only thing that worries me slightly is the A pillar. Like I said, pics later, and i'll keep everyone informed as i go through this.
Oh man... that sucks. I'm really glad you're okay! Yes... we will wait on pictures... and more details. Here I thought this would be a humourous thread about battling a xmas tree...
i'm happy to hear you won the battle. i've hit one thing in my car... a toyota camry passenger rear quarter panel. i had to replace my light because the motors and such were damaged. the bumper underframe had to be replaced. this cost me a few hundred.. but was worth about 3500 with labor. where about do you live?
I hope you get her fixed and back on the road quick. I was going to say by Christmas but I somehow don't think so. Glad to hear no ferrets were harmed in the making of this post, oh no it was a tree not a post and this is a thread not a post. well it's a post in a thread. Am I raving?
If this silly story hasn't made it to your side of the pond yet. Family buys giant Christmas tree that is taller than their house - Telegraph Enjoy:cheer2:
I have winter tires on it. They help a ton in the snow, I agree. On slick ice like this, they didn't make a difference. the only that would have made a difference is studs, and tire studs are illegal in minnesota. This is one of those situations where there really was nothing i could have done. God just felt like screwing me for his own amusement, lol. In any case, we'll see where i end up tomorrow, I'm going to try to get an estimate.