Hi all, No Prius here, but I wanted to learn a little more about the car and the people who drive them. I'm sure 99.9% of the Prius owners out there are good kind people, but driving a Hummer, it seems like I always manage to find that .1%. Hope to learn a lot here.
Ok I'll bite first. The Prius is an amazing car it has a spacious interior that is large enough to seat 5 comfortably, and it gets great gas mileage. Unfortunately with as great of a car as it is it does have one major flaw. It doesn't come with Troll Repellent.
08H3, If you're truely here to learn you've come to the right place. Start with the stickies to educate yourself before asking about the dust-to-dust stuff and any other myths you may have heard. But we've got a VERY fast trigger finger for saying bye-bye to trolls. You'll likely not find a friendlier car site on the internet, but we also won't put up with BS. So bring on your intelligent questions and we'll be glad to talk with you...but you'll find accessing the site mighty difficult if you start looking the slightest bit trollish or if any friends start showing up with similar intent.
About me: professional, semi-intelligent, consider myself average. About my car: ahead of it's time (it's a 2004), saves gas money when prices are low, saves even more when prices are high, has more technology than I can claim to understand but reflects a great deal of human-touch niceties, reduces my personal dependency on imported oil, reduces my vehicle-related fine-particulate emissions and toxic gas emissions. When it eventually stops working (not in the foreseeable future) I'll trade it in for the next version.
See guys, that's what I mean. I really thought this would be a good place to learn a little more about the Prius and the people who drive them. I guess not. I'm very disappointed. It looks like I found that .1% pretty quickly.
Considering how mild the responses have been (essentially justifiably cautious about your real intent), this response indicates you are a troll rather than genuine. Afterall, if you were interested in the Prius would there be any need to mention the Hummer? Other than a few folks who got the Prius as their first vehicle, everyone here has owned (and many still have) other vehicles. Some of us have big gas guzzling trucks for other purposes. I can't say that either one really defines me. And in another post you said, "I just signed up because I had considered a Prius as a daily driver, but I quickly got the cold shoulder with only my first post." So why not say that from the beginning? Somebody is being disingenuous.
You are either very thin-skinned or just here for purposes other than you state. For the most part PC is a very interesting place and most of the posters seem like pretty genuine folks.
So, your very first post you immediately insult the Prius owners you've met, publicly, and you wonder why you aren't welcomed with open arms, as a long-lost beloved compatriot? Get real. I'm sure your grandmother told you, "You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar"... advice that works in the real world, too.
Boy, what a surprise. I sure did not see this coming. And your pressing questions are? How big of a troll is 08h3?
Hummer buyers are people who demand the economy and reliability of a Chevy Tahoe but are willing to pay more for that extra dash of fugly.
If you are my neighbor, you will know me as a good, kind Prius driver as you will go home from work to find that I've snowplowed your driveway for you wide enough for your H3.
awww, SSimon... we used to have a neighbor like that! He'd start his snowblower, and would just work his way down the block! The other day, our son went out and scraped our sidewalk. Then the neighbor's sidewalk. Then the street in front of our house... ...anything to get out of putting away dishes!