State year, model and miles driven and what your avg MPG is You all probably get ALIL better than my 13mpg
It's cold now, so there's a certain amount of "shrinkage" in mileage. Also, I just got new tires and I'm certain that's affecting my mileage. Right now: 51.8 MPG.
I only make short trips, so my overall mileage sucks bigtime at only 36, however, I'm regularly getting 5-minute bars of 60's and 70's at the end of my trip to work every day. That makes me happier. But since even in the 30's it's twice what I got in my old car, I'm not complaining. I'm so ready for spring.
2006 Prius. 15,000 miles. First year averaged about 47-48 mpg. It has crept upward since then, now averaging a cumulative 50 mpg. Recent tanks have been about 55mpg. I have an mpg-challenging commute, driving only 10-12 miles of urban driving each day, usually with the A/C on. So I think I'm doing pretty well, considering. I attribute my good mpg to very conservative driving, P&G when possible, taking advantage of scangauge to get into stage 4 quickly, and Mobil 1 synthetic oil. Next will be an engine block heater, followed by EV mode switch in 2009. Also considering grill blocking, but still looking for a good solution (Tried foam pipe insulation, but pops out too easily. Tried electrical tape, but not sticky enough and looks terrible)
It is getting cold. I am struggling to maintain my 99.9 mpg average. It dropped briefly to 99.8 mpg today. I felt like such a gas hog for a few minutes.
I knew there was a reason I couldn't get my mpg's that high.......... I gots no PhotoShop Skillz! I'll try again to get some pics this weekend. I just got the flat sheet of insulation from a contractor and it is sweet. Cut it 40.0 X 4.5 add carpet/tile tape on back and slap, stick it's there....full block. These sheeets cme in 36 X 48. Little pricey tho'. Peels right off if need be and can add tape to redo again. And you can hardly see it unless you were really looking for/at it.
While we're all taunting you in fun with our FE, there's no reason you can't get an easy 20-30% improvement in your current FE with some modification of your driving technique, some grill blocking, closer monitoring of and higher pressure in your tires. Nothing dramatic, but enough to take advantage of circumstances to better get them in your favor. If you improve to 15mpg you'll be saving a heck of a lot of gas over the course of a year. Check out CleanMPG, An authoritative source on fuel economy and hypermiling
new wider tires and its cold here in OH, and since I don't have the EBH I am having to settle for 50MPG.
'08 Touring, 23K mi., haven't clicked "Reset" in 5K mi., MFD at 49.8 mpg, I do mostly short trips, 3 mile commute, spending $12-$13 on fillups right now ($1.67/gal.) and it's glorious
My car is an '07 with 26K miles. Lifetime average is 75.1 mpg. My best tank was 101.1 mpg over 867.4 miles and I don't have a Hymotion pack. I'd sure like one though.
Quote: Originally Posted by PeakOilGarage It is getting cold. I am struggling to maintain my 99.9 mpg average. It dropped briefly to 99.8 mpg today. I felt like such a gas hog for a few minutes. No PhotoShop required. Here is a sample video...
Yeah, and as soon as I get enough money gathered up, I'm going to "waste" it on the "scam" too. I may never have to buy gas again since my commute is only 11 miles each way. My boss is allowing me to plug in my EBH so I would imagine he would be OK with topping off a Hymotion as well.
Opps, didn't mean to be taken serious. Thought the others were being funny about the MPG's I now BOW in your greatness and ask forgiveness. And on a different subject, I love that tune you were listening to in the clip.
I must admit that my mpg has dropped about 20% with this cooler weather and winter blend gas . But on the brighter side I still am getting better that my old beast that got 12-14 mpg. :rockon:
With the latests cold spell, we've dropped to 50.8 in our 2008 Prius, 3k miles. Still a lot better than the 20 mpg we're averaging in our 2008 Sienna