She might be responsible for many having a vegetarian Thanksgiving [ame=]YouTube - KTUU 2008 Sarah Palin turkey interview[/ame]
Her conservative base has already released a pro-thanksgiving Palin ad looking to do damage control. I can't believe anyone still thinks she can be president in 2012. What will she do next?
What do you mean "do next"? She didn't do anything worth getting excited about. Yes, it was very poor taste in video shooting on behalf of the media team covering the story, but even that shouldn't be a big deal. Who the heck cares about seeing turkeys slaughtered? Are Americans that naive to not know where their Thanksgiving dinner comes from? Maybe some turkeys are born with their heads cut off, all nicely wrapped up and ready for cooking. It's the media that's trying to sensationalize this ridiculous "news". Please let me know when there is some news truly worthy of America's attention.
I used to spend a lot of time on my Grandparents small farm, as a child. Trust me, that video was very sensitive and sanitary.
Yes, no flailing about, blood spurting everywhere. Now if you want a good story about beheading birds, take a look at Mike the Headless Chicken: Mike's Story Tom
Whoa, that Mike's Story is good. When I was a kid growing up in New York's famed Lower East Side, my mother used to behead pigeons in the kitchen sink. The beheaded pigeon would run around the sink for a little bit. Back then it was pretty common for immigrant city-dwellers to buy live fowl and behead them at home.
Ever prepare a gander? Never mind the hissing and biting. Once the head is chopped off, the bugger is downright dangerous as it flaps and flails all over the place
You liberal types are definitely getting close to taking this Palin thing to an unhealthy level. Add her to the list of things that you'll be harping about forever; sort of like one of those dogs who sits out in someone's back yard and starts barking when someone is coming a couple of blocks away and is still barking long after they're gone. The other item on the list so far is "It's all Bush's fault". Two years from now: 'Obama's policies aren't working because it's bush's fault.' 'Even more people are out of work because it's bush's fault.' 'The sun won't come out today because it's bush's fault.' You either need to set a date when you let it go or to see a psychologist because obsessive behavior is treatable.
And why is that? Why will it take more than two years? Let us know when Team Obama has undone all of Bush's damage won't you?
I suspect I won't live long enough. Perhaps one of my kids can give you a call if we ever get there. Tom
And that proves my point, precisely. No matter what Obama does, it's all Bush's fault. Unless something good happens, and then it's Obama's doing, right? So Obama gets a pass for the next four or eight years. And, if anyone criticizes him, they're racists. Boy has he got it made.
They just don't like Gov Palin because she isn't like them. They're tolerant of others as long as the others are just like them and nod their heads in agreement. Libs won't be happy until the entire world bows to their oh-so-sensible-and-reeeeasonable demands. Then, when it doesn't work the way they thought it would, it would still not be their fault. Kinda like their no-fault-default-affordable-housing-for-the-poor plan that went to crap.
The financial markets are in complete disarray, we are fighting a war on two fronts, our allies distrust our foreign polices, the environment is in crisis because of policies in place for the past eight years, honest hardworking people are unemployed because of bankruptcies of corporate slime bags who sold out their companies while they bailed out with golden parachutes, millons of people cannot afford healthcare...... Is it all Bush's fault? No, Bush just embraced failed trickle-down theories that never benefitted anyone but the 'haves'....Bush may be going down as the worse president in history...maybe indictable for war crimes (Iraq and his WMD fairy tale) he shoved own our throats, along with his pushing through the Patriot Act which he used to spy on 'liberal' americans. Obama walking into the worse mess in my lifetime and I'm in my late 50's. Four years eight years to unravel this mess? Please! Oh yes, he is black too and what!
Thank god I'm vegan, and can watch a video where indiscriminate killing is going on and say, "Wow, I'm REALLY happy to not be a part of that." Want something to be thankful for? So do the animals. Oh, and try going vegetarian and being thankful for your newfound good health and helping to take America out of the #1 spot for obesity.
When I was growing up, my dad used to take me to a turkey farm @ Thanksgiving time. I used to be amused watching the beheaded turkeys run around a bit before dropping. There is nothing better than freshed kiled turkey. Dbcassidy
That goes both ways you know. The conservatives were loath to give Clinton any credit for the good economy we had while he was in office, saying he inherited a recovering economy from Bush Sr. Which probably was true in part - oil prices had plummeted, leading to a robust economy. But the warning signs in 2005 of a weak oil supply were ignored, and we've lost over 3 years of preparing our country for the coming high oil prices. That and the effects of the Iraq war will be two lasting points against Bush as historians write the books in decades to come. It looks pretty clear that he has seriously weakened this country, and will be listed among the bottom 10 presidents. This video was quite sanitary, but I had to laugh when Palin said she got criticized for a lot of things and would probably even be criticized for this. And she's "in charge of the turkey". Right now, it seems the turkey is the Republican party, so that statement's pretty close to the truth.
Jack - Don't you think the incident was a little funny? Anyways, I liked Letterman's "Top 10 Sarah Palin Excuses for Turkey Slaughter": Top 10 Sarah Palin Excuses For Turkey Slaughter (VIDEO)
Next up for Christmas: Palin hunts Santa's reindeer from a helicopter and shows the little kiddies how to field dress Prancer.