"Alfalfa" recently transported us from our summer home in CO to our winter place in AZ. We decided to take a round-about route and see some sights along the way. We ended up in Roswell, NM the first night and, as there isn't much in the way of entertainment there, we visited the ostentatiously-named "International UFO Museum and Research Center." There's an hour I'll never get back.
After touring Carlsbad Caverns we headed for Alamogordo NM and White Sands National Monument to answer the age-old question, "What is whiter - a Superwhite Prius or Gypsum Sand?" Here's the answer. I was hoping that the Prius and the sand would be the same shade of white so the only thing you'd see were the windows and tires but no such luck.
We're AZ "snowbirds" now and, as we aren't all that familiar with the local attractions, we took a litle car trip yesterday. We left our home in Red Mountain Ranch and headed for the meteor crater outside of Winslow. The drive from Payson to Winslow is (except for the last 30 miles or so) incredibly beautiful, as are the place names.
It was a difficult drive, given the limited ground clearance of our Prius, but we managed to get "Alfalfa" to the bottom of the meteor crater. If you look through the telescope you can just make it out.
M8, Thanks for sharing the pictures of Alfalfa's big trip. Esp'y liked the comparison shot with the white sand. Nice try at camouflage! Janice (driver of superwhite Eva)
Troll? Moi? Seriously, I have been on this site long time...but let me dig out a picture... An early shot, before the cool rims.
ROTFLOL, that Princess Leia pic is a riot! Please tell me you set up and took that pic yourself. If it's a photoshop job, it ranks as a great one. I rarely save pics I see on the 'net but that one is exceptional.
It is indeed a creation that I and another Net Citizen put together. Photoshoped, yes, but by our hands. Feel free to share.
That is a great shot, T.J.! I love the reflection of 3CPO on the back door. Is that you in the robe? LOL!!!
I love the Super White. I chose those color because the Prius is small & I observed that white cars are more visible in the gray environment (Washington) I live in. Plus, I think they actually look cleaner longer (again, maybe its just because its so gray around here most of the time!).
Welcome, gasnippr! That's the same logic we used when we got our Prius... that, and the white makes an excellent canvas for creativity!
Love the Spotted Super White Prius! I'll bet that turns heads in Grays Harbor! I also like the way the black mask looks on the super white (that's my car's summer attire).:cheer2:
First time Prius owner..I bought a 2006 Prius white with package # 7 and XM Radio. White is not my favorite color for Car ( I like Magnetic Gray), but after putting 10+ hours of cleaning, touch-up, polishing and waxing, It seems I am liking white. So far, I got DVD Update ) U32 ( ver 7.1), Seat Covers from Exact-fit== Very good quality and fit Mud-flops and Bumper protector ordered( not yet received). All-weather mats ordered. Other than some dash buzzings, I like the car sofar. But it seems for my short travel engine is not getting a chance to warm up at all, and sofar my local avg is only 42. May be summer it will improve. Some Photos..
Hi Chinna!! Welcome to PC. I know SuperWhite was not your first choice, but you will learn to love it. Have you named your car yet? It seems to be a popular thing to do on PC. I have had "Eleanor" (an '09 Package 3) since mid-January. I love this car a lot. The whole hybrid "thing" is wonderful, but the car is also a techno-marvel. Your mileage will improve as you log miles on the car and also as your trips get longer. Between Baton Rouge and New Orleans (about 88 miles) I average 52.6 and I only have a little over 2K miles on her. I am waiting for the bump up in mileage that usually occurs as the car breaks in. Enjoy...........and come back often!!