Local dealers total inventory has ballooned to 159 today in Sacramento area. One dealer has 43 in stock. Inventory Search Time to make a deal if you want one.
Happens every once in a while when a new boatload comes in. Just because they come in groups of several hundred or perhaps several thousand. How many cars do those car carrying ships hold anyway (and how many of those are Prius)?
Most dealers have lots of all types of cars, now, not just Prius. Haven't you heard? The economy is in the dumpster, and many people will put off buying new under that condition. That is good for those looking for a car .. buyer's market. I saw 6 or 7 at the Pasadena dealer's lot a few weeks ago, even a used one, which you never see in LA. Makes trade-ins tough, though.
People have forgotten FDR's "the only thing you have to fear is fear itself." Now, what does that mean? It means ignoring media fear-mongoring and helping the economy by spending. If you want a recession, you will get one. It's in your hands. Get out there a buy that Prius while they are relatively cheap and available.
Niether, it's thousands of people being laid off, Investments being wiped out by more than 50%, recession accelerating all over "The World" all caused by greedy bankers, investment houses, hedgefund managers and outrageous credit arrangements. I hope that no Prius owner sold his investments at the bottom. That represents a permanent loss Lowering the price of gasoline is always good, that will help bring the economy back.
This dealer is offering $2000 of of MSRP and $3000 off of package 5's with 80 available!! wow Since I cant post a link it was Mossy Toyota. I came across it while looking at dealer stock.
Is Mossy in Sacto? I would consider a trade like that with no or little cash (1000-1500) on a 2005. Does that sound reasonable?
No its not good. The only thing that does is encourage the wasteful use of gas (including purchasing of gas-guzzlers). While prices are low right now the government should increase the gas tax to keep the price at $4 or above.
Would YOU buy one if you thought a newer, shinier, plug-inier version might be available in less than a year?
bad economy right now Yes to the 1st but the 2nd would be a really bad idea given the dismal state of the economy (in case you haven't been paying attention to the news). They could start raising little by little now but the $4/gal or above shouldn't got into effect until we've recovered.
I had a 2009 on order since July Thursday week before last. That day I was told I was being laid off on Jan 1st. The stinky part was that they intended to send me packing that very day, but the GM said he couldn't do without me. So they decided that I could work through my severance out of the goodness of my heart I guess. They also said they were going to look into some way of keeping me on at a lower salary. First thing I did was call the Toyota dealership and cancel the order. So then my wife and I spent a week of agony wondering what was going to happen - would I be able to stay or was I going to have to go looking for work at the age of 51 with few prospects? Fortunately they made some other difficult decisions and I get to keep working there - at a 30% pay cut and with almost double the responsibilities. I know that doesn't sound like a great deal, but I still will make okay money and I'm not out looking for work in this horrible economy. Plus I also paid off my house two years ago so I am in good shape really. We'll still buy a Prius, but now we will wait for the next gen. So yes, there might be a glut due to people in my situation.
I imagine all models are showing a glut right now. The Prius shortage of a few months ago was a combination of factors -- the high gas prices that occurred right near the end of the model year. Toyota didn't have enough 2008s left for the sudden spike in demand. Now they've got the 2009s rolling out the supply is fixed but gas is cheaper and the whole car market has stalled. So now there's a glut. I have a 2007 so I'm not in the market, but were I.... the decision of a 2009 vs. 2010 would depend on whether I could wait another year, plus whether other deals would be available then. For example, I can currently get a $3000 credit from my employer for buying a hybrid; that may not last into 2010.
I would guess new car purchases go up in Springtime, April, May when - after taxes are paid, half the country is thawing out from Winter, kids out for summer fairly soon, vacations, etc... As opposed to Fall, late October - half the country starting to go into deep freeze, less driving, kids in school, new car model year in full swing. But, yes the economy and credit crunch is biting too.
My god, yes! This should have been put into effect a long time ago, around when Europe did it. What we need in addition to that tax though is for the tax to be dynamic... If people get adjusted to paying $4/gal, then when the price of oil goes up, you gradually lower the fuel tax....to the point that the price of gas stays roughly the same. For example, say with the new tax its $4/gallon right now. Then oil doubles overnight. Initial price to the consumer - $8. So then the government slashes its gas tax - price back down to $4. Economy moves on as well as it always did, while the rest of the world struggles to deal with very high gas prices. I'm sure there's unintended consequences, etc, there always are, but I've always thought this would be a good solution; in Europe, even with their sky-high fuel prices, there are still plenty of people who own sports cars, luxury cars, vans, etc. There just typically isn't many SUV's because the roads aren't big enough. I saw a Suburban when I was in England last and it had to do a reverse to get a better angle, to do a left turn....
Yep. There most likely is given the sharp fall in auto sales. See my posts at: http://priuschat.com/forums/other-c...errible-all-automakers-in-september-08-a.html http://priuschat.com/forums/other-cars/55313-october-2008-us-auto-sales-were-again-terrible.html
Sales of all types of vehicles are down even the relatively immune Prius is also affected. Potential Prius buyers are hesitant now because: 1. Waiting for new 2010 plugin Prius. 2. May consider the Honda new Insight, rumored to cost thousands less. 3. Credit crunch, not enough credit score to get a loan. 4. State of economy of country, fear of job layoff. 5. At $2/gal gas makes no economical sense to buy a Prius, premium paid back time > 10 years or never. Gas will not go back above $4 for at least 3-4 years when economy recovers. There is a minority who is not in the above groups may still want to buy a Prius, but the number of them do not help the overall sales of Prius.
Prius glut? Everything is relative. How many other Toyota models are on the lot? One just has to look at what the Toyota Corporation advertises to his viewers. Almost every Toyota now has special incentives like zero % financing, except the Prius. I think the gas price surge last spring and summer has most consumers concerned about future gas prices even if we are enjoying a reprieve at the pump right now.