For Sale Hyper ForceSystem Greetings, I have here a brand new Prius Hyper ForceSystem for sale. I paid $319.00 plus shipping will sell for $245 OBO shipping included within the states. Here is the link where i bought the system: HyperForce Prius to Improve Gas Mileage:
Excuse me! My prius was in a wreck, hit from behind and total out. Selling parts of my 06 prius. This hyper forcesystem eliminated any engine knocking caused by running cheap gas and gave it a little more HP. I gain only about 2 miles per gal., but it did eliminate the engine knocking from using cheap gas. When I say cheap, I don't mean regular grade, some gas stations sell a lower grade of regular gas.
There's a related relatively famous quote usually attributed to a famous showman/businessman from the 1800's about a birth occurrence every 1/1440th of a day that comes to mind. Such an occurrence keeps many outfits in business if they can come up with a slick enough patter.
Bah. You beat me to it. That's what I get for being too wordy and trying to be clever. By the way, (For those who care) it is unconfirmed that the quote originated with PT Barnum, or that it would be in his typical nature to use such a phrase.
Re: For Sale Hyper ForceSystem OmegaII: The moral of the story is: Never buy anything that you cannot bring back to your local store within 30 days. By mail, take nobodys word for anything. A few ironclad warranties appear on EBay and one does have recourse for disatisfaction. I know, I have done them and succeeded. However I am a native and my English is perfect (almost). I get the idea that you are a foreigner from your writings, so I will show compassion and apologise for my previous kiddings. And I was only kidding, but making one lose face is not appropriate and I should not have done it. Remember be honest and forthright and all the moderators will treat you fairly. Andy.
Re: For Sale Hyper ForceSystem TO: Omega II ( David Pisarsic) Hello David, After posting the above I had thought that all was well between us, my intentions were honorable and sincere. I observe that another posting was made by you on another string started by you. I refer to Post #6. on 11/02. edited on 11/16. This post is totally out of context, I can only assume you were drunk or high. This post was totally uncalled for. I'm afraid that I must now concur with the opinions of the other moderators and P.T.Barnum. I do thank you for your statement " I will pray for him" And while your there, praying on your knees, you may be able to accomodate me further.