When grill blocking, what scangauge values do you monitor? Engine Temp? Water Temp? MG Temp? As a corollary, what values do you monitor the most other than ignition timing and current? -tew
I used to have both water and engine temp gauges displayed, but they rose and fell togather so I dropped monitoring engine temp. Someone correct me if I'm wrong, but MG temp isn't available. Other gauges are RPM and current in/out. The last gauge varies. At the moment it's set to percent full for the gas tank. I was watching the difference between the number of pips and the percent full.
Temps of both MGs are available in the CAN data stream and therefore theoretically available via an Xgauge. (I monitor them with CAN-View.) I don't recall right off if anyone has actually found it for an Xgauge.
Thanks for the help. For water temp, what value (or range) do you consider to be "prime" for the ICE and what value should you never exceed? I have read some posts from people on this site talking about MG temps, but they may have CANview. It is interesting thought that someone hasn't figured out the values for the xgauge. I will do some research on it and see what I can find.
184 to 186 is prime 194 to 196 is the normal high Those are my observations. I've never witnessed anything higher than 196°F on my ScanGauge, but I'm sure you'll hear someone chime off that an additional 10 degrees is just fine. .
The Prius coolant is 50% propylene glycol (with lots of other junk in it ). At 10 PSI this boils above 120C. I have seen 95C on the highway with both grills blocked and an ambient of 30C (about 80F). I suspect it would be difficult to cause the coolant to boil unless you got ridiculous in the blocking. The engine is just not powerful enough. I monitor: Engine RPM---------------------------------Coolant temp Fuel use (l/hr)------------------------------12V system voltage I have a second Scangauge II and the plan was to monitor HV battery voltage and current. Haven't gotten around to connecting it and programming it. I may not bother. The information is superfluous, as the car seems to be smarter than I.
Thanks, all. I appreciate the help. I'm going to go down now and start stuffing pipe insulation into the grill.
I haven't seen MG temp either when I was creating the simplified ScanGuage manual with a few extra gauges listed for the Prius. (Link, in case you're interested: View attachment 10537 ) Check this thread for more information, but again, no MG temperature (but MG2 torque is available). Dan. might have more information by now.
Has anybody talked to the guys over at Hybrid Interfaces? If CANView is pulling the MG temps off the CAN stream, then it would seem logical that you could parse the value with a scangauge. Thanks for the link to the modded scangauge manual.