Lately (for the past 3200 miles) I've enjoyed watching my mpg's be still for awhile. I know we all shoot for that "best tank," but I sort of got tired of seeing the mpg's jump up every time I'd coast and go down every time I punched it a bit - so I stopped poking "Reset." I've been very pleased that my honest to goodness overall (at least for 3K+) has been 50.4, and has remained that for about a week. My commute is 3 miles - most trips are 15 minutes or less - some weekend travel may include 100 - 200 mile trips. But it's kind of peaceful and gratifying to have that 50.4 sit there on the MFD for miles, and miles, and miles...
It depends on the terrain and how good of a Prius you got. If I could see the mileage settle in at over 50 MPG, I would not reset the computer, but I start going up hill from home and from work, so I like to reset the computer after I get to the top of the hill and see it read over 50 when I get to work. If I let it go for a few days, it will settle in around 48 MPG.
We - the drivers of the 2004/05 Prii - don't have a choice. After refilling the tank, the MFD automatically resets after a few rotations of the tires.
I reset mine at the begining of January, had a maximum of 60.2 mpg but now the cold weather is here it down to 60.9 mpg.
I have never reset mine since we got ours - over 8,000 miles. Right now its a battle between 52 & 52.1
1.3 MPG is the margin-of-error, based on my 107,163 miles of data collected (details in my lifetime spreadsheet). That's the difference between what you see on the Multi-Display and what's calculated based on measure at the pump. Why resist knowing fluctuations are so small and the value is statistically misleading anyway? .
No i cant resist to reset, I track my mpg by the tank on a spreadsheet so i have to reset after every fill up just to keep everything standard.
Are you sure about that? I have a 2008 and I swear it automatically resets at every fill-up. Could be wrong.
I've not used reset since picking up the car Aug 28th. Now closing in on 1800 miles. It bounces between 48.6 and 48.8. I'm happy! :cheer2:
BFG G-Force Sport 205-60 15 on stock rims. As the man says, "Your mileage may vary." Well, mine did. It drives and handles so much better, that I'm OK with it (have to justify it somehow).