Hello everyone, after my successful installation of my Navigation, and all the research from PriusChat, PriusOnline, and Prius Yahoo groups, I have put together a zip file containing instructions, wiring diagrams and pictures of how to get this done. I assure you all its Virus free. I guarantee it will work for even 2001 owners too. I am currently helping a Prius Chat member with a 2001 model Prius and he is well on his way. He has found all wiring, and has said its quite easy. Have a look at the pics to see what it looks like in action. I love my Classic even more than ever. Plus for some reason after the 7.1 disc upgrade, the resolution of my MFD got tighter. The coolest part is when you turn on the headlights and the colours change to a higher contrast colours to be more visible at night. I encourage any classic owner to give it a try. Its much better than those hand held units to say the least.
This looks really cool. I'm mostly replying just to supply an easy link to your earlier thread with more info on the same topic. Could you ever be talked into exporting your .doc files as something like .pdf? Cheers, -Chap
Hello i have a 2002 prius and i was reading on how to add/install the navi system and i was wondering if this was replacing the whole display in the dash or just the box under the passanger seat??
Hey all, took the liberty of converting the 2 doc files in this zip file to pdf. just, do me a favor, and don't use adobe reader to read them.