Hi group, First 600 miles I drove anywhere from 55 to 75 MPH, and used the brakes accordingly for the first 200 miles. At 800 miles I starting using the cruise control. Car has gone throught the break-in period fine. Plan of attack: At 1000 miles I will have the oil changed, and every three thousand miles after that. Reason; because all oil changes for life of car are free.:rockon: Will follow all maintenance schedules to the tee! I also read everything on the forums regarding tire pressure and decided to go with this plan; Set CTIP at 44/42, then I initialized the TPWS. I then deflated the tires to 35/33, which is the recomended tire pressure. The alarm will go off at 33/31 which is perfect in my mind. My reasoning behind this is I would rather follow the tire guidelines and put air in when needed rather then having the tires get down to under 30psi when damage could start on the tires. This is just a personal preference for me. At least two people in the forums remarked about the 75% tire pressure and gave ideas about how to make the warning system come on sooner. I thought this was pretty good information. All in all, my car pulled off a 587.03 mile full tank and my car is just short of 1000 miles. I'm currently averaging about 49.33 MPG and I drive like I always have before I bought the car. I think the pulse and glide is pretty cool, but I don't plan on setting any records with this car. I just can't bring myself to complain when my car is getting just short of 50 MPG. Thanks for all the info, Mark
sounds good, glad you are enjoying your new Prius. There is no need to waste your time with even "free" oil changes at 3000 mile intervals stick to the 5000 which is the maintenance schedule. Just gives the dealership more of an opportunity to make a mistake on a simple task. With all the care you are putting into the car I would rather change the oil myself with synthetic instead of the dirty bulk oil at any oil change center, and also know it was done correctly.
Sounds like a good plan except for the IMHO too frequent oil changes. In any case you may find out that "there's no such thing as a free lunch or oil change". Great initial MPG - keep it up it will get even better.
Wow, i have been averaging 45 to 46 MPG over a tank. Looks like I could vastly improve my MPGs in comparison to some here.
The only thing I would add is that driving slowly is in my experience the single most important factor for FE. I try to drive at 55 on the interstate - certainly no more than 65. But if I stick to 55 it makes a real difference. But I get my best FE when I can stay in the 30 -40 mph range on secondary roads. Today I drove about 200 miles up and over the Green Mountains and back to my home in the Connecticut River Valley. It was about 30 degrees when I started out and around 45 degrees when I arrived back home. I use a block heater and my grill is fully blocked. I didn't do anything fancy - a little P and G here and there - mostly just conservative driving at or below the speed limit. When I started out my MPG for the tank after about 50 miles of very short commutes this past week was under 40 mpg. When I arrived home my tank mpg was up to 52.8. I'm pleased with that. I have not had a single tank with an average mpg under 50. Oh, my stock tires are pumped to 60/58.