OK, who can ID the "genetic heritage" (breed mix) of the wonderful mutt depicted as a pup in my avatar? If you don't like games and/or don't care for dogs, don't bother...
Would it be possible to know his age and weight at that time? My initial guess is chihuahua mix. The mix part could be a little bit of lab (1/4 or less), but more likely terrier (smooth fox terrier).
I'm with everyone else - looks like a chihuahua's head on a lab puppy's body. Did you have a DNA test done?
The photo is quite small, as I don't know how to make it larger. Rather than the Avatar, can you post th epic in the message box?? Do you KNOW what he/she is, or are you unsure yourself???
Sorry for the long delay getting back. We're 99% sure what she is. We know the mom, she got out once, and there's only one suspect for daddy nearby... Here she is all grown up. She is not related to the dog next to her.
Getting warmer. I'll add one more interesting detail. When she was born and a young pup, she was nearly white. Now, she's grown into a nice apricot highlight/cream. But the really odd part is that she has grown into a "ridgeback". She has an almost brown streak of fur that runs from her neck to her tail. When someone knocks on the door, or if she alerts for some other reason, she gets a huge ridge that stands up almost an inch the entire length of her body. Looks like something off an old Roman army helmet... Gotta love our dogs!
OK, for those of you who've played the game, I'll spill the beans now. She is half chihuahua, and half Jack Russell Terrier. Her name is "Dot" because she got a perfect, almost domino-like black spot on the back of her left ear. No other dark fur on her anywhere. Her mom was a sub-standard Chi (too large, bad form) who was being abused by a puppy mill type, and was seized by the "authorities." Mom was rescued shortly before she delivered a litter of four girls (Dot being one, of course). One was B&T, two brownish, and Dot the cream. She ended up with the near-insane tenacity of a JRT, but is one of the friendliest dogs I've ever seen. Age 2.5 and I've never seen her bare her teeth for anyone or any reason. Just another example of why rescue mutts often turn out to be the very best dogs possible.
Awwww! I'm too late to play FWIW, I was going to guess chi x jrt. Adorable pup! I'd love to have a pick-up able cuddly dog one day.
Chihuahua mixes are just very, very cute, aren't they? A couple of months ago I met an adorable one who was up for adoption and I would have taken her in a heartbeat if it wasn't for my poopie husband. There was something so sweet about her eyes, and your Dot's eyes look the same.
Chi mixes do tend to be good house pets. The process often breeds out the "edgyness" or "nippy-ness" so common in the straight chihuahuas, leaving mostly the good stuff -- very loyal and affectionate compact dogs. And of course, you get the off-the-wall genetic surprises, like Dot's pronounced but very cool ridgeback.
Actually, I was considering petitioning the AKC for the establishment of a new breed, which I'd call the NAPH (North American Pillow Hound), as depicted here. BTW, that's my side of the bed...