I normally go by some shortened version of my name, generally "ecco", but as this appeared to be a predominately US forum, and I am an Aussie, and when I joined had just become an Owner, so why not something different. Don't know if did actually originate here, but it is a fairly common term used in Oz, as is the cleaned up version.
Before the Internet, I needed a nom d'plume for my writing. Using my actual initials, and some prodigious imagination, I came up with RaeVynn Sands. When I first got online, I scored a Hotmail account of raevynn@. It's been my online name ever since, everywhere (well, most places. back in '01 someone else nabbed raevynn and started using it on various websites; now I have a secondary name for those places), since 1996. In many ways, I am RaeVynn. This is my personality, and my given name doesn't really fit me as well. Never really did. There are people "IRL" who only know me as RaeVynn.
I've never heard either version spoken over here and never seen effwitt written anywhere so I thought it would be unique - oh well...
If you want some other answers, here's a similar thread from a couple of years ago: http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-house-pancakes/26637-how-d-you-decide-your-screen-name.html My answer was here: http://priuschat.com/forums/freds-h...d-you-decide-your-screen-name-post483262.html (if, of course, these links work)
...it's what I said when I visited a Toyota dealership on a whim and saw a magnetic grey beauty still in the service bay getting its diagnostics done after being unloaded from the truck the day before...I'm just lucky I guess.
I picked mine off my drivers license, and credit cards, work I.D. bar I.D. fishing license, and the unpaid citation I got for entering the hov lane just 20 feet after the broken line ended Hey boo, ... that's the same answer you gave when this thread ran its course last time
That's my story and I'm sticking to it. NB: I completely forgot about that prior thread ... demon alcohol.
*sigh* I was just making the point that there are people that I occasionally meet with that call me RaeVynn. They either prefer it to my "real" name, or they tend to forget my real name. "IRL" is an obsolete, obscure, BBS acronym. So sorry for using it here. *sigh* And, Hyo, you know my real name. Which name seems more like me, huh?
Rae Vynn, I enjoyed your cruise pics. Do you post on the CruiseCritic.com board? If you've never been there, you might enjoy that site as well.