I was doing 65 in my '05 Prius, and I ran over a 40 lb. bag of gravel in the middle of the road. It tore off the left front splash shield from the inside of the fender, which in turn tore out a pizza-slice piece of the front bumper where it was clipped. I epoxied the piece back into place, but there's a seam (see pic). Is Bondo or a body filler OK? Or is there a vinyl filler specifically used for flexible bumpers out there? I went to 3 body shops here in Brooklyn, and of course they all recommend a new bumper and paint job and they all 3 curiously quoted me $300. None of them will work on the repair as pictured. I intend to fill and buff out the area myself, but I guess I have to go back to the shops for the paint job. Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.
$300 for a new bumper cover with paint is a good deal. You can't repair the plastic. Nothing sticks well to it. Not even paint, btw. Which is why it's so easy to get "chips" or "scratches" in the paint on -both- the front and rear bumper covers.
Thanks for the reply, Dave. They want $300 for the mounting and painting of the bumper which I would bring them. I failed to make that clear.
Sorry, if you wish it repaired correctly, so it looks like new, take it to a reputable body shop and pay the dough. Nothing look worse than some home-made repair job on an otherwise nice car. Again, sorry for the damage.
still cheap.... bodywork usually runs 300-500 a panel... call that a bumper, roof, door, hood, doesnt matter... just pay the 300... would you do all that work for 300? sheesh! either that or you could pay your $500 insurance deductable for the $300 job.
Sorry but your incorrect. Industry standard for bumper repair is this stuff: 3M? Automix? Plastic and Bumper Repair Works quite well if you know how to prep....put it on and sand it down. This guy doesn't seem to be afraid. If I were him I would take a shot. $300 to paint it is expensive as its no big deal to put the bumper on. My Prius Chiltons is quite clear on remove & install. Fix it. At every car dealer they have a touch-up service. Usually a guy in a truck who repairs dings and spot paint repairs. Ask around..Hook up with him for a cash spot paint deal after you fix the bumper. Either that or your looking at $500 +.Post report. Good luck.
While that -may- be "industry standard" in your area, most places of any reputation here will not use it because it doesn't last. It cracks the first time you "bump" something (even your leg). Here it has to withstand a -40C to +40C temperature cycle. Industry standard around here is replace the bumper cover and paint it. Cover costs around $250. Paint about the same (mostly labor). Remove/install labor about 2 hrs. Usually it costs just under $1000 on most vehicles.
Look...its a fairly new car. Why would you want to get out epoxy filler and sand it down yourself and then repaint it with what? A spray can? Its going to look like hell. Pay the $300 and have it fixed right. That damage to the vehicle probably lowers its value at least $1500. $300 to paint a bumper is a very good price, I paid $500 to repaint the bumper on my Lexus a few years ago. Even if it looked *okay*, someone taps you in a parking lot the whole thing is going to shatter.