My nic originated before UPPER CASE letters were in web locaters/e-mail addresses... amm0bob american = By birth with the documents to prove it. married = I like being married, that's why I have been three times so far. male = For obvious reasons. 0 = Number Zero, my nicname in the Army unit I was in. Let's just say I hit what I aimed at. bob = My first name shortened from Bobby. I didn't want to have my real name on the www as an address. All in lower-case... since there was an internet available... I started on Compuserve and Prodigy back when we paid by the hour.
effwitt is a cleaned up version of fu**witt (a stupid a$$hole). I think fu**witt originated in Australia. I used to see it a lot on Usenet 10-15 years ago and thought it was a funny word back then.
I just very boringly combined my first name and my last name. On other boards my handle is BBD, which stands for Big Bad Dianne. (One of my nicknames at an old job. The other was F--kface, or "Face" for short. Long story.)
it's actually the first e-mail address i ever had. back in '96, when we first got dial-up through juno. d is my first initial, m is hubby's first initial & we are both scubadivers. at that time, we shared an e-mail address. over the years, i have used this on pretty much every board i visit. it's just easier to remember one username.
Because A) I'm Stev0 on just about every online thing I'm on, and B) I've had this nickname (or variations thereof) for 25 years of being-online-thingies.
It's the first name of my favorite character in literature -- Boo Radley, who was a character in my favorite American novel -- To Kill A Mockingbird. My avatar is a photo of Robert Duvall as Boo Radley in the movie version of To Kill A Mockingbird.
<<< Spectra Blue forever ! When I bought it off the lot last Jan., I just said "I'll take that blue one." Didn't know it was called Spectra until I saw it on one of the forms. Then, I had to ask the sales-woman what that meant. At that super-sized auto-mall, I wanted to make certain they weren't giving me a Kia!
I couldn't come up with one so. . . I prayed to Saint Anthony to help me find one: Considered some Lay Ministry work in Malta: And popped open a cold cool one: Because after all, only a fool would use their real name online.
Was my Grandpa's first name. Seriously. It's Czech and he hated it and took the name Daniel when he came over. I use it as a user name when I can but it's often taken much to my surprise.
I use Froley across the net--- From a character in the movie Children of Men that I relate to--- Michael Cain in playing Froley used his friend John Lennon as a model with the idea of what would Lennon have been like if he lived into his 60's..... i had to add the 1 after i changed service and for some reason could not log back onto prius chat. an excellent question by the way------ regards Froley
Well done Tony. Schaefer reminds me of college. Living in the west I don't see it much in stores. You used to be able to get Pig's Eye out here before the Minnesota Brewing Company went TU. Another of the Midwest greats IMO.
I bought a silver car and needed a cool licence plate to go with it. Everybody asks "What does aitch why oh stand for?" The total number of people who've figured it out without hints is still one. Yay Uncle Dave!
Froley, FYI, when PriusChat last changed its software a while ago (I think you were transitioning in your motor home), the new software had a glitch and changed several members' user names to their registered names, e.g., "GrandmaJudy" was changed to "...." Your old user name of "Froley" was changed to "...." If you go back to any of your pre-Froley1 posts, you'll see what I mean. In order to change your pre-Froley1 posts back to their original user name of Froley, you're going to have to ask one of the administrators or moderators like efusco, TidelandPrius or TonyPShaefer to do it.
I got the nickname Brodie at a boating safety class I had to take about 6 years ago. The instructor passed around a sheet of paper for everyone to write their names on, and when he went to use it to take attendance he apparently couldn't read my writing (which is weird because I have pretty legible handwriting). My first name is Brooke, but somehow he got the B-r-o, combined the second o with the vertical part of the k as a d, thought the other part of the k was an i, add the e, and he called me Brodie. My friends who were in the class thought it was hysterical and many of them call me Brodie exclusively to this day.
Well that is one mystery solved! I've wondered ever since I met you!!! I use Freedom on all my on line forums, as my screen name. The first time I joined a forum and needed a name, I was at a point in life where I was feeling trapped with all that is involved caring for my father, and I needed "freedom."