My sales person told me it could be a 2 year wait for the green and I'm working on 61/2 months now so it will be at least 8 months by the time the one they called me about arrives. There is a possibility I will get the green and I am hoping for that, but they said that it could and probably will be red. I have a feeling if I I'd stand a better chance of winning the lottery than getting my choice. My dealership seems to get more than their share of white, silver and gray. I kind of like a little color in my life!
It WILL be worth it....PROMISE....Silver Pine Mica was my first choice, and Barcelona Red was my second choice....went through a similar promise period with a dealership whose allocations slowed down and my wait went from an already three months, to a possible five to six months as they were only getting 3-4 Prius in a month at this point. When I had first started looking, I had gone through many phone calls and internet searches through the Toyota website of dealers, and a few others that popped up on the computer when you do google searches with words like FIND NEW PRIUS, and wound up hearing from a dealership in a college town northwest of where we live. That salesman kept an eye on Prius arriving at the port that were available and was able to get the Silver Pine Mica for me in just days. Call around, ask sales people to keep you in mind. Let them know you have your financing lined up or that you are a cash buyer and a SERIOUS will all work out. Also let them know you do not want to pay over MSRP...they will call with cars that are available at times that are either not what you want at all, and some places will call and try to talk you into paying more than sticker instead of waiting...Personally, I went through some ups and downs with all of this, and wondering if I should have the Barcelona Red as my first is REALLY PRETTY as well. When the call came that my baby was here, it was hard to believe it was my turn. That was just two days ago. My original dealership was wonderful about returning my deposit and also urged me to get my Prius at the other location, as they felt it was unfair for me to wait longer than what they quoted and anticipated. KNOW THE WAIT IS WORTHWHILE....It will be LOVE at first sight and the first few miles you will be in disbelief that you are truly and owner and a driver...meanwhile keep on reading Prius Chat ...there are sooo many great people on here and lots of neat information and stories.
This is a GREAT LISTING and I hope that it is kept up to date for the future. After being told by my Dealer, for the past two months that: "The East Coast does not get shipments of Touring Models" and "Toyota is not producing Touring Models", It was with a great deal of satisfaction that I was able to notify my dealer of this forum. It would appear that six (6) prospective Prius customers that ordered in May received delivery in the month of September. Four (4) of those deliveries were Touring models. All of the Touring Models from the list were delivered to: Wisconsin; Lansing, MI; Marietta, GA; Upstate NY; Atlanta, GA; and the Midwest (all non west coast deliveries). Our Prius was ordered April 21st and it appears that I am NUMBER ONE on the PriusChat list, but not NUMBER ONE with Toyota! At this point I have stopped calling my Salesman, and I am only dealing with one of the Sales Managers at the Dealership. I have already been notified that I did not make the October 3rd allocation, and I would assume that I will not be making the second October allocation. My hats off to 'rcaine' for developing this list. Danny should implement this format for the web site.
Thanks for the kind words on the list. . I gladly keep up the list until all my fellow April and May WL's graduate to owners. I can't wait to you and Katiewin off the list. I do want to point out that I bailed on waiting for a touring. We took a 1224 once another dealership showed to us. A Prius in hand is worth two on order??? Our older car needed replacement and we would need to rent a car for the trip to a meeting next weekend so we didn't have much choice. We took what we could get. And we love our Spectra Blue 1224 even if it isn't the touring.
hello. i hear that priuses (prii? i'm not sure, i'm still a n00b) are getting easier to find. people are dropping out of the waiting lists, because of falling gas prices and our messed up economy. is that true? would it be a bad time to get a prius at this moment?
Wooooohoooooo! I can finally join this thread! After, literally, months of agonizing over colors and drooling over every Prius I saw, I finally put my deposit down on a SPM package #6 tonight!!!! Even better newws - our dealer told me they have one coming in and it should be here 10/28 and he's putting my name on it. It has the tan interior and I really wanted grey, but the more I thought about the SPM color, the more I decided the tan interior is just fine and I may even prefer it after all. He said if I *really really* wanted grey, they would try to find one to switch out with, but I don't think I'm going to look this gift horse in the mouth! Hopefully everything runs smoothly from here out!
Welcome to the Waiting List. Sounds like you have learned what some others of us have learned here. When you climb into the driver's seat you fall in love with just the way it is. It's much more fun to drive your own Prius and enjoy the envious glares of jealous wannabes that to sit home and just read about the joy of ownerships. PriusChat is fun but not nearly as much fun as driving your own.
I actually gave them my check in March 28th was kind of pressure sold a car that was on the ship a color I didn't want. I thought about it sent Toyota an email stating I wasn't happy about not having a choice. They sent me an email back and told me I could have my dealership ask for allocation of the car I actually wanted so my dealership told me they would ask for allocation on the 5th of April. They called me Friday to say they thought my car would be on the next ship and should be at my dalership the last week in this month or the 1st week in November! They also told me it would be my # 1 choice!!!
Got the call today, three months from when I got on the list. A touring in my package choice (seaside pearl/bisque, package 6) is coming in this week (I was on the list for a base) so for $500 more than what I was expecting, I am taking it!
STOP THE PRESSES - I GOT MY PRIUS TODAY! Been waiting since 5/28. Got the call at 10 a.m. that my Super White package 6 was being detailed and would be available in 30 minutes. Drove it home and it now has 11 miles on it. (I would have driven it more but I put my home address into the navi system and now I need to learn how to turn it off.)
Congratulations M8s. Glad to see so many of us WLers finally getting our cars. The NAV will take some study. It is not intuitive. I'm expert with my Garmin Nuvi and I've spent a week reading (yes I do read manuals) and I still have not mastered the built in NAV. The quick start guide helps but it does NOT answer all of the questions you will have. Remember you have few options available when the car is moving. Happy driving.
Just FYI... I've heard the wait list in Japan is now 4 months long, sign now then delivery in February. Also, there is a rumor that Toyota Japan is going to take only 500 orders nation-wide for the current model, then they'll refuse to receive orders. The rest of newer orders are going to the 2010 model delivering in next spring. So, if anyone wants the current model, please hurry up. Ken@Japan
This really sucks doubly...I have at least two months to wait for my new house to complete construction...while living in a crappy, tiny, sh*tty a** apartment....wishing and waiting for news of the new 2010 prius (and Honda Insight) so I can decide which to go with--ALL THE WHILE DRIVING A CRAPPY, TINY SH*TTY A** DAEWOO! AHH! I WISH TIME WOULD FAST FORWARD ALREADY!!! sorry, I felt I had to vent this out.
The Latest (and thining)Frustrated Seniors on the List (for listers up to 5/31/08) Updated . 1. Sands 4/21 (A Touring Model) :first: 2. Katiewin 4/5 :second: 3. Steevr 5/18 (Expected Any day now) :third: 4. dwreed3rd 5/28 (A Touring Model) 4. turbo.diesel 5/28 6. Tanner9868 5/31 Next big allocation list on 10/16. M8s has graduated from the list and steevr should be any day now. turbo.diesel just turned up.
Well, miracles may be happening! The dealer called and guaranteed our Prius will be on the next list, and we should have it in 3-4 weeks. Not sure how he knows that ahead of time but either way, I'm holding him to his word!
Picked up my seaside pearl today, drives like a dream! Good luck to those of you who are waiting...hang in there!
The dealer said ours should be here sometime between last Friday and today. Still not here. I'm picking our son up from College for the weekend on Friday and it's a 150 mile trip each way. Would love to have the Prius here for that trip.
Hope it makes it in. I know how anxious you must be. We had to rent for our vacation in August (we found a Prius to rent) but it would have been so much better in our own. I have a meeting to go to next weekend (four hours to St. Simmons Island) and it will be our new cars first field trip.