Of course there's Jimmy Buffet's song "pencil thin mustache" which speaks of Sky King, Boston Blackie, and Andy Devine. like Buffet I wish I had a two-tone ricky ricardo jacket spent to much time playing guitar in bars i guess.... Froley
Sky King, Penny and the Song Bird. I remember them. Sergeant Preston of the Yukon for those of you north of the border. And for technology with a western theme remember Roy and Dale Rogers sidekick Pat Brady and his jeep Nelly Belle? Superman and Captain Midnight are from this era too. And were any of you watching the day Pinky Lee croaked on the air live?
I've always wanted to keep a car so long that it obtained the rich character of Nelly Belle. Was Pat Brady the character's name? Maybe his love affair with Nelly Belle is what has influenced me to always name my cars, and talk to them. My cars always have a voice too! Oh how em-bear-skin (as Popeye would say). These memories are vague, but wonderfully warm and rich.
Highway Patrol & Peter Gunn, yes. Don't recall Whirlybirds, at least not by name. How about some of the Saturday serials. Tim Tyler's Luck Ace Drummond Don Winslow of the Coast Guard
I almost laughted right out of my Buster Brown Shoes. And Andy (Device) was Jingles in Wild Bill Hickock some time after Andy's Gang.
From an even earlier era: Cecil the Seasick Sea Serpent, when they were puppets, before they made an animated cartoon of it. NetFlix has a DVD of Cecil and Beany which includes episodes of both shows: the puppet show and the cartoon.
i remember cecil and beany as puppets once you mentioned it amazing--- Who was the guy with the metal helmet and the rocket pack in the serials? He was the character the most excellent movie, the Rocketeer, was based on? He would always get into fistfights with gansters in convertables and the cliff hanger was literally heading towards a cliff? Then fly off and the ganster would go over the cliff in their car? Froley
Cecil and Beany was the first TV show I ever saw. I'll have to look for that DVD. I don't remember many details but I do remember the characters. It was a few years ago. When I really want to feel old I ask my students if any of them remember the first time they saw a TV set. Only the old codgers like me can remember.
... to which he (?she?) would reply in that deep, hoarse-squeaky voice, while rocking side to side, "Hiya kids! Hiya hiya hiya." The audience was ecstatic. Saw a website once with pics of the actual Froggy's used on the show - so terrifically simple & primitive, like they'd have been made in 3rd grade arts & crafts. Maybe that's why he (?she?) made such an impression on me!
OK, I think I have the most obscure show yet ... Rescue 8 Probably the first show about a LA County Fire Rescue Ambulance Team. Years before Jack Webb came up with "Emergency" Top that!! 73 de Pat KK6PD
Yes! Yes! And there was Kukla, Fran and Ollie live, well 1 live and two puppets, before they were toons.
I think it was one of the first TV shows there was. In my mind it's linked with Howdy Doody. From a much later era, but still contemporary with some of the shows above, does anybody remember Sheri Lewis? A gorgeous redheaded ventriloquist with a kid's show. You never saw her lips moving because you were too busy staring at her enormous boobs. She was actually a brunette who dyed her hair red. I was on her show once as a kid. My step-father and I did some kind of a demonstration thing, and after the show she took us out to lunch.
I loved Beany and Cecil. I only ever saw the animated version. I remember my most prized possession was a stuffed Cecil. I only remember bits and pieces, like "I'm coming, Beany Boy" and "nyah ah ah, Dishonest John." I loved the Soupy Sales show, too.
F.Y.I. I was born April 29, 1942. Altough we were not rich by any means, probably on the lowere end of middle class in those days, we did have a TV when I was very young, probably late '40s. It was a little 9" round RCA. We lived in Bristol, Pa about 20 miles outside of Philadelphia, so we got the Philadelphia broadcasts. At first there were only a few cartoons in the afternoon. Tugboat Willy, I think was the original Mickey Mouse. Yea! I remember when he was skinny. Some news and variety shows in the evenings. Ed Sullivan's "Toast of the Town" on Sunday evenings. Milton Berle came along later, Tuesday evenings, and so on............... I'm enjoying remembering as they slowly pop forward out of oblivion. I suppose if anyone gets too bored they can unsubscribe to the thread. Each post I read brings forth another memory. Good mental exercises. Just want to thank Trebuchet. the OP, for starting the thread and all the contributors for keeping it alive and going. Trebuchet, did you ever think it would get this response?