I have a 2006 Prius with the package #6 (no GPS). I never had issues with sound quality using different Motorola phones including a RAZR. I just switched to a LG Dare and now have sound issues. I have no trouble pairing or calling but the sound on the other end is horrible. Words drop and are cut off with a by a hissing sound. The Dare works fine with the Motorola M700 earpiece I have but not the car. Anyone else having issues? I think the new phone uses Bluetooth 2.1 vs 1.2 (I think) in the car. Is there a way to upgrade the car software or is it a hardware issue?
I just ordered an upgrade here - same thing - currently razr, switching to dare. Don't have the phone yet, but will let you know. I can tell you this - if I am not happy with bluetooth in the car - back the phone goes! I have 30 days and I intend to use the test period wisely. I use the phone in the car a lot so this is very important to me. I have a 2008 Prius so I may have different SW in the car. Here's hoping mine works - and that you can get a fix for yours. I'll let you know.
I just upgraded from a Motorola Krazr to an LG Dare and the Bluetooth connects fine, but does break up and cut off words. I don't have a Prius, but a 2008 Lexus which uses the same Bluetooth system. My wife had an LG 8700 which also didn't work, and she had to exchange for a Motorola that works fine
For whatever reason, I have had good luck with my phone (dare) in the car. It usually works very well - I can hear others just fine and they can hear me fine. Keep in mind that I only use it for a few minutes max at a time. I'm not one for making long calls in the car. I just use it for quick calls, like I'm running late, or I'm on my way, etc.
Hello, Don't be so quick to blame the car (as I did). I have an Infiniti and am having the exact same issues with my Dare (previous phone was a Razr and it worked great). Also, if you do some googling, you'll find an Acura forum that is having the exact same issues with the Dare. So far the collective suspicions are: Dare butting heads with previous existing phone profile Dare prefers pin to be "0000" Bluetooth version/implementation on the phone. If anyone makes some headway with this, I'd love to hear the solution.
I have and LG Dare with a 2009 TCH It works fine with 99% of phones one that does not work unfortunately is my wifes. It works much better if she turns down her volume. Also if you turn down your car volume and make sure the is no same time noise that helps. IE not talking at the same time. Like I said most of the time people have no idea I am on speaker. Hope that helps.
FYI, just want to help some people & spread the word. There's a new firmware out for the Dare. On the phone, go to Settings -> Phone Info -> SH/HW Version the top of the screen will say the version. (Probably VX970V03) Take the phone into a "real" Verizon store, (not a reseller) and have them update it. Takes about 20 minutes. My version is now VX970V05 and it seems that my bluetooth issues are resolved in my FX35. Best of luck.
I have a similar problem, but with any phone thats used. When in the car I hear the caller perfectly, but the person on the other end has difficulty hearing me unless I speak very loud. Is there an adjustment for the mic volume in the car? A hack maybe?
You should go into the "secret" screen and try changing the microphone volume setting. There's a thread somewhere that describes how to get into that screen...
Thanks zenMachine. I was reading that very thread here today. I didn't get far enough to determine what someone was refering to when they were talking about how dangerous it was to change anything. Something about disabling the car. I am a true do it yourselfer so as soon as I figure out what to be aware of when doing it I'll do that. Are you sure there is a setting for it and that it does pertain to this volume? Thanks again for the info.
Absolutely sure. I've done it before. Just be careful while navigating those screens. It's not hard, but be mindful. Good luck!
Problem with the Blue Tooth on my 2008 Prius loosing the mobile phones and phone number I have registered. This is the 3rd time I've had to register them all...has anyone experienced this problem and perhaps have an explanation?
Does anyone know if Blueberry phones work with the bluetooth in a 2008 Prius (pkg#6)? Please let me know, Thanks
I'm having similar problems with my RAZR in my 2008 package 6. It worked just fine when I first got the car, but due to faulty MFD, my whole nav unit was replaced. I re-entered my numbers, but callers can't hear me. I turned up the mic volume, but still sound like I'm in a tin can. I took the car and phone to the dealer--first time, they couldn't find anything wrong. I went home and nothing worked. Went back, and they couldn't connect it at all. Any idea what is going on?