I rented a hybrid once, and on the highway, I got no better gas mileage than my car... what's the big deal with hybrids if I do a lot of highway driving other than the fact that I couldn't build enough speed to pass anybody?
If you learn where the accelerator is located you'll be able to pass people just fine at speeds up to 105mph. If you need to go faster than that you'll need to look into another vehicle. I get about 55mpg at 60mph...other than a TDI or another hybrid what vehicle did you drive that got that?
I drive a BMW... the hybrid got around 40 miles a gallon at 75mph and could barely pass uphill, I usually get about 35 miles per gallon on the highways and passing is a breeze uphill, downhill, flat, outside of a corner, inside of a corner. Power-on-demand is wonderful
Highway-Only efficiency can be similar from a few other vehicles, though they are not as clean (smog rating) and as soon as you slow down MPG plummets. Some also require you to shift yourself and buy more expensive fuel. .
I get 50mpg at a steady 75mph...if you're trying to pass people you'll drop it indeed. If you want to drive at high speed and don't like the lack of passing power a BMW's a better choice for you. For most people who do not drive at 75mph on a daily basis and drive on surface roads for the majority of their driving they'll see significantly higher MPG than your BMW. I can pull some of the very steepest hills here in the Missouri Ozarks at 75mph...while the engine sounds loud it maintains speed quite well...as well as or better than most other cars on the road....but my MPG will suffer. Diff. strokes for diff. folks...you found your stroke so why come trolling here?
just had my question...plus the gf is starting to look at priuses (prii? prius's?) so I'm trying to find out whatever I can about them, as I'll likely be doing all the maintenence her mom got one and now she wants one...it's like a freaking disease
That's a little like tasting a kumquat and saying you hate fruit. Not all hybrids perform the same any more than all fruits taste the same.
I couldn't drive a hybrid... the roar of the straight six (or even better, a V8) is a beautiful thing inside the cabin of a car. that and the smell of race-gas dumped through cat-less headers at the track turns me on... I think a prius may reject me the hybrid just felt...I do not know, too sterile. Like I wasn't even driving a car, I was just sitting there and watching scenery go by. Didn't feel connected to it at all. It was a very weird feeling
Used to be like you myself. 2005 Tundra with dual 3 inch pipes, Flowmaster Super 40's. I could set off car alarms just idling. Then again, filling 26.4 gallons every week wasnt so enjoyable. Also knowing that I was driving something I did not need did not sit well with me. Isn't NASCAR now going to more efficient cars and also running UNleaded gas in the COT?
And highly contagious. Maintenence is a piece of cake... She'll love it if she doesn't care about speeding and passing people uphill and wants to save gas and pollute less.
interesting observation. i have that same feeling but that's why i LIKE the prius. I spend so much time in my car that i like to disconnect every once in a while. yeah, sounds like this car wouldn't be for you. but your girlfriend might be much happier...and how could that be a bad thing for you?
disconnecting on the road = accident waiting to happen that's one of the reasons I didn't go with the lexus IS350...very sterile ride, didn't feel connected to the road
Reading between the lines, it sounds like the gf might be looking for a new bf in the near future! C'est la guerre.