There's an unidentified small black push-on / push-off type switch on the driver's side lower kick panel adjacent to the parking brake pedal. It looks like something from Radio Shack and not factory in design or quality. Could this be connected to the $695 Starter Guard my dealer forced me to swallow? Thanks
I'm guessing it is the Starter Guard... There are some knock outs for OEM buttons directly below the steering column (where I would have put the Starter Guard button, but that's just me)...Those are for the SKS, TPMS, etc.
to both of you, Just what function does a "starter guard" serve on a car without a conventional starter (& for $695 no less)?
Thank you for your responses. This is not the Smart Key System activation/deactivation switch as that is located below the steering column. The Starter Guard is a gizmo forcefully installed by the dealer at an inflated price and located next to the 12Volt battery located in the luggage compartment. I had to take it to buy the car. Its function is to disengage the electrical system from the battery when it detects the battery is losinng charge to prevent your car from starting up initially. It probably cosots the dealer $100 but here's where they make money on top of MSRP. This is a cheap looking switch that looks out of place and added as an afterthought like by someone with no logic, taste or appreciation of common sense or aethetics. It can be accidentally kicked by your foot when depressing the parking brake. If you were living when the first car alarms came into existance you would recognize this switch as it looks like the ones to arm/disarm your vehicle. Thanks
I have one directly below the steering column. Manual shows smart key-my car does not have smart key option. There is a knock out next to button. I still have no clue what button is for.
I would ask the dealer what it is and how it works. If they put it in, they should have explained it to you.
Well, I don't know what that is, but I can tell you: I don't have that. I don't know if that helps. I have a stock package #6.
Well, it's definately not standard.. How come the dealer "forced" you to have it installed ? You live in Iraq?
Definitely not a 'stock' switch from Toyota. Do you have aftermarket alarm too? This looks like an aftermarket alarm (disable/reset) button.
I say "forced" because we had to accept it to have it installed as part of the agreement to be put on the waiting list. This is at Santa Monica Toyota, yes in the Republic of Santa Monica. That was $695 above MSRP when other dealers were adding $1000 or more without installing anything but greed. At the time it was a weekday afternoon (July 10) and we were 4th in line to get just a test drive. When the car came (Aug 30), the salesman called and said if we weren't there within an hour he had people waiting to take the car. So other than the pretty finance woman trying to sell their BS package (maintenance) which we declined profusely, we got it for the original agreement price.
No added alarm. Touring Package #6 has integrated abti theft system. I have put a call into the dealer to ask them but they haven't called me back yet.
You weren't forced to do anything. You could take it or leave it. The dealer can charge whatever they want. Why on earth you would put up with such treatment and still agree to be ripped off leaves me dumbfounded. I can't even comprehend it. Even two months ago when the gouging was at it's peak, there were dealers selling for under MSRP(without add-ons or bogus fees) if you were willing to wait a few months.
Where are you located? That wasn't the case in Los Angeles. Were you actively looking and are you still waiting? We waited 7 weeks
Hey, penbed, In the block to the left of your post you say you have a 2008 pkg #5. Well guess what? You do have the smart key system! For 2008 every Prius has it except the model 1220 base unit & the standard model 1224 with a pkg #1. You do have the little black squares on both front door handles don't you (& also on the hatch just above the license plate recess & to the right of center) & your fobs do have the silver Toyota logo, don't they? So explain how your pkg #5 doesn't have the Smart Key System. Just curious. Ken (in Bolton,Ct)
That is almost certainly the reset button for a Battery Brain. And I can tell you that it also didn't cost the dealer $100. If you'd like a second one, I have an unused one for sale right here! I'm somewhat familiar with them. As you can see, the Gold (what you probably have) retails for about $80. The dealer doesn't pay retail, of course.