The standard Prius only costs $21500. $29K is for a loaded Touring #6 which is not in any way comparable to a Yaris.
This thread is nowhere near "done". Everyone was having a very nice discussion until you came along and posted that flamebait. If the thread's "done", its your fault. Thats exactly my point, the Prius is not comparable to a Yaris, the Yaris is an economy car the Prius is not. Even a base Prius at $21,500 is too expensive to really be an economy car, the Yaris starts at $11,000 and is loaded at $16,000 and gets 40mpg. THATS an economy car If the OP wants an "economy" car the Prius isn't it. Niether is a Jetta TDI for that matter... Bear in mind what I'm saying is not a knock on the Prius at is an economical midsized car, it is just not an economy car. Yaris, Fit, Nissan Versa, these are economy cars.
VW has what is called a SEALED Transmission (which also means that there is no dipstick to check the fluid) their claims in the maintenance schedule and at the dealership is that the tranny fluid is a lifetime fluid and will last the life of the car.
Jayman: I never could understand why some poeple have such a difficult time understanding why men have this thing about fast this and power that. Can't they realize it's genetic and starts at conception. It's all about who gets there first. The strongest and the fastest gets there first. Although it's not always the first one there that gets let in. Why wouldn't this trait become a strong part of the male psyche.
Which makes perfect sense as the VW's expected lifetime is a fraction of that of the Lexus. In the club lexus forums many of the members there have 500K+ mile SC400 and LS400 examples. When newbie posters come on board and say "Look, I've got an amazing 200K miles on my SC400, they're showered with comments like, "It's still a baby", and "barely broken in", and "Report back when you've got some real miles on it". Since I expect my SC400 to last 500K+ miles with no major repairs, I change my fluid more often than if I had a car that I only expected to last 100K miles like the VW.
But people vandalise the Prius for being what it is! This doesn't happen to VW's I once saw small children throwing rocks at one as it tried to drive down the road!
VWs vandalise your wallet. My best VW example was a former boss that had a Jetta. He loved to say that he had had it x number of years and it was great. I asked him how many miles it had and he said "Oh, I don't know. The speedometer and odometer stopped working a long time ago." I road in once; I could not find one thing in the car that functioned properly....
Apparently, the battery in it contains nickel from a smelter whose emissions generated acid rain that eliminated all life within miles of it. Specifically to quote a representative from Greenpeace: "The acid rain around Sudbury was so bad it destroyed all the plants and the soil slid down off the hillside." According to the article, the area surrounding the smelter is so bad, that NASA uses the location to test its Mars Rovers. I know that people here did not enjoy my posts the last time I visited because I was a more conventional environmentalist, but surely everyone here can see that the environmental damage caused by the production of the Toyota Prius' batteries outweighs any possible benefit that the Toyota Prius with its Nickel-Cadmium batteries brings. In addition, considering that all of Toyota's hybrids should use batteries from the same manufacturer, it is a fairly safe assumption to make that all of Toyota Hybrids damage the environment because of this smelter, which would mean that people here should not be recommending them. Also, the batteries in other hybrids use the same battery technologies, so while their nickel might not be from the same smelter, it would follow that the smelters that produce them are likely to be not much better for the environment than the one that produces the nickel used in the Toyota Prius' batteries, so it might be the case that they are not much better for the environment than the Prius. Furthermore, according to that article, the production of the Hummer, does far less damage to the environment than the production of the Toyota Prius, such that driving it for 300,000 miles is far better for the environment than driving a Toyota Prius for 100,000 miles, due to that smelter.
Oh god, that is so full of s*** it isn't even funny anymore! First of all, nickel is used to make steel. I wonder how much of the steel used in German made VW, Audi, Porsche, and Mercedes Benz vehicles uses nickel from Sudbury, Ontario? As a total proportion of nickel content per vehicle, the NiMH battery makes up an almost insignificant percentage of total mass. The article you appear to be citing, from a radical college newspaper in the state of Conneticut, USA, also features such titles as "rape only hurts if you fight it." The British paper that reprinted the "news" had to retract their story after learning the truth about Sudbury Toyota factory | Mail Online Here are some *facts* concerning Sudbury, and nickel production. First is from the Sudbury Earth Decade Committee Sudbury Earth Decade Committee Prius vs. Hummer Analysis Debunked General Motors has an article about how Sudbury is now green, thanks to 20 years of effort starting in the early 1980's. Of course, GM purchased large amounts of nickel over the course of almost 70 years from INCO Where's Mission Green? Science North & Dynamic Earth - Science Centres, Sudbury, Ontario Indeed, the majority of nickel output from INCO's Sudbury mine was used to satisfy American and European demand. I think it's only fair that Americans and Europeans pay the clean-up costs
If that is your interest, you might want to check out this site. Does your car look like this? O my god.
At one time, but we all have to grow up! All those Co2's and nasty exhaust fumes, enough to give you a heart attack! A mere 8mpg - hard on material for the prius driver who likes to complain!
Yep, you are a troll. If you don't own or like the Prius, why post on a Prius owner's forum? Because you're a troll.
Because he gets a reaction. If we simply ignored such posers - sorry, posters - we wouldn't get 8 page threads of nothing but troll turds.