I don't get it. I can kind of maybe understand the enjoyment you can get out of "stirring the pot", but what is the deal with going onto the internet and posting on forums where you're just making mistaken assumptions (and kind of looking stupid)? It's not like all of us here only have priuses and think it's the kind of all cars for all purposes. Problem is, a 500 HP-at-the-wheels isn't going ot help if you're sitting in traffic (as many of us city-dwelling Americans are subjected to). A lot of us (many with cars faster than an RS4) came to realize that very quickly . I mean I like the Audi RS4 - it's comfortable, quiet, powerful. It really is a nice car for enthusiastic driving (I almost bought one). But it's heavy. I'd bet money that 4G63's old modded Evo VIII would run dramatically faster lap times around a real road course (as opposed to screwing around on the freeway) than your company car will. This is of course assuming company car = not hugely modified. I mean, if it were modded you could compare against David Buschur and his 9 second Evo "company car" (he runs a tuning comany) which would outright embarass your/any RS4, but that's besides the point. I won't even start about the company cars they have at Dinan (specializing in BMW tuning) and WORKS. In any case, enjoy your ride and be happy you've got what sounds like a sweet deal on a nice car. Maybe next time we can look forward to telling us how fast you ran on the Nurburgring (wikipedia says the fastest RS4 is 8 minutes, 9 seconds by sport auto magaine 06/06). By the way: Tim. Regardless of how often your friend takes (or dosen't take ) his Speed3 (Torque steer FTL!) to the track, I still applaud him for taking the initative to actually take performance driving classes to really learn to drive the car. This, especially considering how many people jsut buy a high-powered cars and automatically think they are king of the road/track (expecially at the track, where they are then often embarrassed by guys with CRXes with half the power). This is also evidenced by the number of people that crash their new Ferarris and Lamborghinis (there's a bunch of YouTube videos floating out there!). I'm a huge proponent of driver education and I wish more people would make it incumbent upon themselves to improve their driving skills beyond what is required to pass the license test. I think the saying goes something like: A car can only make one driver fast, a fast driver makes all car (s)he drives fast.
The smilie actually represents the notion of "beating a dead horse"; it's an exercise in futility which is what your presence here seems to represent. As for my kids getting beat up at their school, my son's friends actually like to ride with him because they all recognize he is a safe driver and when chipping in for gas would rather go somewhere with him because he has the cheapest running car. I am, by no stretch of the imagination, a "tree hugger." My main motivation for buying the car was economic but am finding out that environmental responsibility is an added bonus to owning my car. I can drive nearly 1150 miles on a tank and only spend less than $55US doing it. I guess people who have to provide for themselves are more thoughtful/responsible with resources than those who have it handed to them on a silver platter.
got a migraine reading trampdrifting's nonsense and had to take one of these: Hey trampdrifting, you welcome to take the rest of the bottle ... take it all at once and crawl back in your cave.
trampdrifting - take a photo of yourself next to your car. if it isn't a YUGO, i'll be surprised. however, if you do own an RS4, i dont envy you. been in one, driven one. not so hot. my Z06 will run circles around your POS. hehehehe, no hard feelings! wow!!!!!!!!! is that a european troll???????????????