I know it is a little late notice, but I started a Prius Chat fantasy football league on ESPN. It is free to join and the draft is an auto draft set for Sept. 3. The name of the group is PriusChat and the password is: prius
Ok, joined up....gotta work on those rankings though. My son may join as well, he's been wanting to start a league.
Ok, my 9 year old son, Brendan, signed up and has already ranked his picks. He's probably going to kick all out butts! We still need what, 9 people to sign up. Come on folks, there have to be some other fantasy fans out there.
Go to Espn.com and register. Once that's done go to the "Fantasy" section and click on Join League. search Priuschat then join using the prius password. It'll ask for a location and nickname and some initials to use to identify you. Then you can go to the rankings area via an obvious link. At that point it lists ESPN's top 50 players...you can expand that list to 100 or 250 or however deep you want to go. Then you grab and move the players up or down the list as you prefer. When you're happy with your ordering click to save. On Sept. 3 there'll be an automatic selection based upon each of our rank lists...it'll give you your highest ranked player that's still available each round. Once that's done you go in week to week and select which players you want...you leave in your best, pull the ones you don't think will do well, or are injured, or not playing that week. You can see the details of how points are assigned...offensive players get points for yards gained, touchdowns scored. Defenses are differently scored. You're matched against one other fantasy team from our league and the team with the highest points wins. Best teams at the end of the season meet in a playoff. It's easy, you can spend 10 minutes a week adjusting your lineup or you can spend 12 hours picking up players from waivers, reading stats and comparing match-ups to refine your lineup each week. It's up to you, but either way it is a lot of fun and makes it fun to watch games you might not otherwise be interested in b/c you want to see how your fantasy kicker does that week or if your fantasy tight end has a good game.
Hey, we're up to 5, looks like we need a minimum of 5 more? Polarcrew was easy, not sure who maddogggg was/is though. Come on folks, if you're a football fan at all this is a lot of fun and I've been eager to join a league again this year.
I would not be at all surprised if he wipes the floor with us. There has to be 5 more Prius drivers out there that want to play a VERY friendly fantasy football season. Please don't make us open up the league and play with non-Prius drivers.
about 2 days left to fill out our roster before the draft. We need 5 more people (I think) to have enough for out Priuschat league. I've asked Danny to consider some sort of prize for the winner (though that's not assured by any means). I can't believe there aren't a few more football fans out there willing to give fantasy a try. It's fun, doesn't take much time, and would be chance for some non-Prius, non-politics interaction w/ other folks on Priuschat.
I would, Evan, but I don't follow US football at all, and I don't think I'd be an...uh...asset to your team.
If by tonight we don't have any more people, I'll open the league to the public and see if we can't fill the league up. Would you other Prius owners really make us play with SUV drivers? Ohh the humanity.
We play against each other...so your lack of knowledge would, in theory, be a good thing for me. But I didn't figure you were a big US football fan.
Ah. OK. I'm in. I've never played any fantasy leagues before and only have a mediocre knowledge of football, but I've always thought the idea of a fantasy league was cool.
I think it will increase your enjoyment of football and your knowledge. Nothing like a fantasy league to get you tracking a kicker's stats! Come on BDDave, you can join up and reduce the number to 3!
Alright! Peer pressure, gotta love it. I posted at Priusonline, trolling for other suckers. But we'll see, they don't get as much traffic, esp. in their "General" section.