Electric fault spurs big GM recall | Reuters And they're going to build a 40k reliable electric car? Buyer beware.
I look at this as two separate issues. I don't know why the fluid needs to be heated, as that would probably cause the alcohol to evaporate, leaving water, but when you pay large amounts for "luxury" they have to think up ways to impress you, and the more electrical systems, the more chance for glitches. A simple inline fuse is the cure and they will probably check the brakes, tranny fluid and filters to find work to pay for it. Their record of producing electric cars that the drivers found reliable and enjoyable is well documented, and GM probably regrets crushing the program immensely now.
Gee, I wonder why they are on the verge of going under? (read: on the verge of getting a giant taxpayer funded handout from our government as a reward for creating such terrible autos that nobody will buy) ... Brad
Sounds like 2 more excuses for the Volt: "Windshield wiper technology isn't quite ready" and "We need a breakthrough in wiper fluid chemistry". I can't begin to describe the extreme pleasure of having to pull into a rest stop on the Turnpike so I can rub handfuls of snow on the windshield to clear the white crap thrown up from the road when the OAT is below freezing because my wiper fluid is frozen in the lines. Global Warming seems to have remedied the fluid problem for me as we haven't had much snow. Who puts a wiper motor in a truck that is too wimpy to clear snow off the windshield? This is why I believe GM engineers have s--- for brains. If they can't get windshield wipers in a truck right there is no way they can build a reliable hybrid.
Toyota has had a few recalls, also...even on the Prius. I've owned the same Toyota since 1995 with few problems (and one recall). Reliability is at the top of the list for my daily ride; so it makes it tough for any automaker to earn my business. I've also owned 4 weekend rides since 1995; the Toyota was still more reliable than any those vehicles that saw only a few miles from me except for the Honda motorcyle which had no problems.
It's for bozo's that use regular water based cleaner instead of buying the more expensive fluid with the alcohol in it during freezing weather. Try different fluid if you have that problem. Quality defrost fluid won't freeze up on you. It doesn't matter what kind of motor you have if the blades are frozen to the window with 1/2" of ice. That's a frequent occurrence here.
It's the typical American way now. People are getting more lazy and now rely more on all these expensive GPS gadgets and calculators. Hey, You even get a dummy light on your dash that senses when your low on wiper washer fluid it will just tell you by lighting up and beeping at you when to refill it!!!!!! If you can't learn how to check your tires and fluids then you don't need to be driving. My truck is a 99. It does have some sensors in it but no wheres nears the cars do of today. I check all my fluids and tire pressures weekly. I don't need to depend on some stupid gauge or light to tell me whats going on with my vehicle. I check EVERYTHING on my Semi TWICE a day per DOT regulations. Thank God that truck son't have all them beeping lights. I'm sorry for a long rant but it's so true that people are lazy. I recently heard on the news that a guy was using his GPS thingy and it made him turn the wrong way on a one way street. He is now suing Tom Tom. It's like your gonna depend on a GPS unit to get where you need to go? What ever happened to paying attention to where you are and using a map? In all my years of driving thus far (8 years), I never needed a heating system for my washer fluid..
I had a Monte Carlo, a Buick Regal, a Pontiac Firebird, and a Chevy Camero (and a VW GTI), and I will NEVER buy another GM, I don't care what they do to make a "green" car.
Everyone's so angry and resentful in this thread... Have a glass of wine, a smoke, or some other vice and relax a bit.