I have been a vocal critic of the 2008 Navigation system on my Prius but I keep on being impressed with the system in subtle ways. As someone who was weened on the Garmin I thought the Toyota Navigation system was too complicated to learn and not being able to program it while driving is still a proverbial thorn in the side. I had a great experience today using the Prius navigation system in a construction work area. Before I approached the area it gave me a voice warning it may not be able to navigate the road work however it immediately directed me through an intricate path through the obstacles and exit closings that would have completely confused me. I have also heard others voice concerns as mine about the navigation system, many rightfully so...I just wanted to give them their due...it was a fabulous unit today. Terry
Thanks for the positive post. I've had good luck with the Toyota system too, even though I'm a big fan of Garmin GPS systems (I own four). Tom
Just wanted to comment on the navigation system as well. Never owned one before and it is really handy! I am more of an "appearance" kind of guy so built-in nav's are the preference for me if I were in the market for one and also, the graphics on the Toyota navigation are quite something compared to some of the other ones I've seen. My only complaint is that it has a slight learning curve and sometimes it takes me further to turn than I really need to. Also, a problem for me is entering a destination, it usually is never able to locate "20 Ave" but "20th Ave" works fine as well as "20 St" and "20th St". I guess this could be a problem for some of the more senior drivers.
Well I'm glad you were able to get through the construction work area safely. Has the GPS system changed so radically since I bought my 2006 with GPS?!?! How was the unit able to navigate you through the construction area or did you tell it to detour? By your description it sounds like the 2008 GPS has some sort of real-time reporting of traffic and construction zones. I've not heard of that in the Toyota line of GPS's? Wildkow
All I know is that I received a warning message when I entered in my Chicago home address from my destination in Michigan City Indiana. I never heard an audio message like this before. I left the shopping center and the navigation system directed me through the city's traffic as usual. As I entered the construction site the Toyota GPS detoured me beautifully. That is really all that I can tell you. I am not a cheerleader for a GPS that disappears when the car is moving, and that has been the thorn in my side and others that purchased this expensive unit. At the same time, I have to say I am delighted with other aspects of the ToyotA navigation system, especially for a guy in my 50's that has great difficulty reading portable GPS like MY Garmin .
I like my street pilot as well. Having said that, their updates and support for models once they're a few years old? Forget about it. It bothers me so much that I'd just as soon not deal w/ them any more.
All, Check out this link: Toyota Prius Features It is an excellent Demo video on the Toyoto Web Site explaining and showing the basics, features and "how to's" of the Prius Navigation System. ctbring....You can verbally input distination addresses while driving. I do this quite regularly while driving around town. The above Demo takes you thru the process as well as showing you how to use all of the other features of the Nav Unit. I highly recommend it to all users of the Nav Unit as it explains the features and shows you step-by-step on how to use them.