What is the general consensus about how the wait is affected by the level of car one is getting. I am asking for a Base 2 and wonder if that means I will be waiting a lot longer than those that spend more money. It seems it would benefit Toyota and the salesmen to sell more higher dollar cars. So those that have recently received their cars and got a base 2 how long was the wait?
Based on my experience the Touring is a much longer wait based on production numbers. Search for total production percentages and you will find the stats.
Let me tell you what happened recently to me. I have been on the waiting list at my local dealer for almost 3 months now. On Aug. 19th I made a phone call and asked him to update my prius order to include a touring model. Previously I had requested a standard prius package 2. Now I would accept either model although I wanted the touring . I asked him if including the touring would help me get a vehicle sooner. He said that although only 10 percent of the prius made and ordered are touring he thought I would get a touring model sooner. I thanked him and took his response with a grain of salt. 5 days later on August 24, he called to let me know my classic silver metallic package 3 touring was arriving in port by the end of this month. I cant say if this was luck or coincidence but thats how it went down. I live in the Northeast and I have noticed many prius but very few touring editions on the road.Whatever happened I am glad Im getting my vehicle soon 3 months is a long wait.
Base with package 2's are much more common in most dealer allocations than are Touring models. A lot of people just want a Prius with the basics, pack 2. Example, 14 pack 2's and 4 or 5 tourings. Only an example. I would hope your dealer allows you to choose different packages and color options. If they don't want to make you happy, try elsewhere. Getting on a list is good, but calling around is effective too. I got my pack 5 from 2 1/2 months on a list, but another dealer whom I called about 3 weeks ago, called today saying they have a Gray pack 4 coming, do you want it? I think supply is starting to catch up. Several dealers called me offering cars and I've seen about 8 Prii sitting at Fremont Toyota. New ones for sale.
Thanks for the info. I am encouraged even though I am only on the list of 2 weeks. I read in another post that a couple people just picked up '09s. I am glad that the base 2 is easy to get. Garrymon How would I search to find out info about how many 09s are in the country and where? I have tried several different ways.
Dont think the base 2 is easy to get its not. In my neck of the woods its the most popular. There were over 100 orders for it at my dealership alone when I first put down my deposit in June. I was on a waiting list for 3 months and there were still 23 people who wanted a base 2 ahead of me. For the touring it was six people ahead. Add to that your color choice which can further delay it. At my dealership classic silver was the longest wait and the most popular color. Also consider base models as well as touring may arrive at the dealership with costlier packages or addons that you may not wish to purchase. So its not so straight forward. Of course another factor is your geographical area, dealer allocations etc. Its to bad but at this point in time theres no magic to eliminate the waiting list especially if you wont pay more then MSRP. You may want to do further reading of posts on this site about this subject there are many. Good luck!!!
I do not know how to tell how many 2009's are in the country..I go to buyatoyota.com and put in my zip code. it shows the cars that are coming into my region. Just because they are on there does NOT mean they are available. I would venture to say that most if not all are spoken for. For example in the Southeast region there are 9 1226's, 44 1224's and 14 1220's all 2009 models all due in on 9-9-08. Like I said there is no way to tell if they are available or spoken for. That does give you a good idea of this shipments ratios though. Hope this helps