In other words, you'd like to hear about the lowest reported MPG numbers and how they were acheived. All the techniques for reducing gas mileage in a Prius. Let's see... Drive too fast Follow other cars too closely, thus have to react to every change in flow with gas or brakes Accelerate toward stop lights, stopped traffic, stop signs. Rest you left foot on the brake pedal. Maintain as fast a speed as possible until you must apply the brakes. Don't think, don't plan, just react with gas and brakes. Overload the car Don't maintain your car. Don't check your tire pressure Let your spouse drive. Drive like you've always driven?!? It's no secret how you reduce the fuel efficientcy of any car. The Prius is not a magic machine. It simply rewards maturity, efficientcy and self control.
I think the OP just wants to know what type of mileage he can expect just by switching to the car, rather than switching his driving style. I think there are enough Prius fanatics on these boards who have spouses who aren't as into hypermiling that could chime in. I've seen many threads (in the fuel economy section) where they don't want their spouse to drive their car and ruin the mileage on their current tank. That being said..... I think there are a number of people who thought they'd just buy the car and drive it. But there is that MFD and the instant MPG staring at you, tempting you....tempting you to improve the MPG number. Here's a thought, how many Prius drivers DON'T mind it when they are in slow and go traffic (20 - 30 mph) on the freeway? No, they might not be making good time, but the 70+ mpg they are getting (at those low speeds) has got to be a consolation.....
It's obvios that most Prius drivers improve their MPG's by adapting to the car conditioning the driver. I do think there are are drivers that get into a Prius and try to drive it like a race car 'to see what its got' acceleration-wise but that tends to be a fleeting feeling that result in driver frustration racing to stop lights and stop signs, tailgating,...road rage etc.. It just feels better to improve the MPG's from one day to the next .....with that being said, the Prius lead-footed driver must still benefit in some way from the hybrid system.....I haven't broke the 50 mpg mark per tankful and sometimes I just want to take it on one of those country roads I have been reading about and squeeze every MPG the car is capable of..
OK. That one crossed the line! At least it crossed over into what I want to do, regardless of the MPG hit. I could get better mileage by doing some things, but I'm not going to roll the windows up just for better mileage. I'll roll them up when my wife complains about how it blows her hair all around. I'll roll them up when papers could blow out the car. I'll roll them up when I can't hear the ballgame on the radio. Otherwise, I'll enjoy the fresh air and the sounds of the birds. There cannot be a better car around to drive in with the windows down. You can hear everything!
I have 18,000+ miles on my 2007, and have simply driven it like I would any car. My lifetime MPG is @ 49.4mpg. I did take several 3000+ mile trips; the rest is mostly urban driving here in San Diego (lots of up-and-down hills). Of course, winter weather doesn't exist here, so I don't take a hit on that. For the first 10,000 mi or so, I was averaging around 46-48mpg, but it has slowly improved to its present level. I use 5W30 Castrol (not synthetic) oil, and drive at or slightly above the speed limit. I use the air conditioner about half the time, as the need arises. I should point out that I've always been a "prudent" type driver---I always look ahead for red lights, etc, and try not to do sudden accelerations/stops if able. I'm a "mature" driver, and have owned 15+ cars in the past 50yr. The Prius is by far the finest auto I have ever owned/driven. And I would say this without even considering fuel costs and consumption. It's certainly superior when compared with my new 1959 Impala purchased in 1960 for $2850.00 out the door, when 100 octane fuel sold for 29.9 Cents, and I worked for $2.00 an hr. AH...the good old days; they weren't really that good, now that I look back.
after a few months in DH's fun little lexus, i switched back to the prius and got low 40s mpg. it took me a bit to get that number back up... bad habits die hard
We normally get 53-56 mpg on our Prius with normal driving. But when our daughter and two grandaughters came to visit last month it dropped to the mid 40's with three adults, two children in car seats, strollers, cooler full of ice and juice, beach mats, towels, toys, diapers, extra clothes, snacks, etc. and the A/C usually running on high.
Motorweek TV show did a long term test on a 2004 when they first came out. They had the car [FONT=Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif]10 months,16,109 miles and averaged 44.6 mpg. These long term testers generally get used by all the staff in a wide variety of driving situations and I doubt any of them were trying to maximize the fuel economy. CR figures 44 mpg for the std Prius, 42 for the Touring. [/FONT]