making sure Toyota doesn't make more comfortable seats -- they want your butt to be numb when they bring out the anal probe.
Returning them? You must have heard wrong.... "I heard lots of people were buying them." Is what I hear about Prius..... I think people so FUD about not be able to get one, even when they are willing to pay top dollars.
Well, my first reaction is "There go the Chrysler dealers and oil company executives again." They love to spread FUD about the Prius. It's the only way they can compete/fight the drop in cost per mile. Ask him why he even listened to this, as the Prius has the highest resale value of any car, sometimes even higher than the owner payed! Pretty funny how ignorant people are!
That's good for a laugh. Was the person driving a large pickup or suv? Last time I got gas for my Prius, oh about a month ago, some guy in a Ford PowerJoke - I mean PowerStroke - in the diesel lane tried to bring up the thing about the Prius battery pack being bad for the environment He did so in a very nice way, but since I'm built like a mean-looking gorilla, that is perhaps why. So I asked him how much steel was in his Ford, especially stainless. I then went into a brief discussion about how nickel is used to make a lot of the metal in his truck, more so than in the Prius While waiting for the pump to slowly print out my credit card receipt, I then covered the "moonscape" around Sudbury - which no longer exists. The KOH electrolyte used in the Prius, vs the sulferic acid used in the two large batteries under the hood of his pickup. That the battery warranty alone was at least 8 years I actually felt sorry for the guy: he obviously bought the truck as a daily driver, one of those pretend-cowboy sorts. Not in a mean way, I just explained the facts. I really didn't have the heart to tell him that those tight Wrangler jeans were really out of style, no sense kicking a guy when he was already down
I personally am all in favor of those. I only wish they could be made to actually glow in the dark. That would be very handy in the middle of the night if the power quit during a storm "Honey, could you please walk in front of me down to the breaker box?"
Me, too, I heard lots of people are returning them. Here is some circumstantial support, I read it here as well.
Funny, that's not what the girls tell me. Hey, I'm perfectly happy with high beams and a flashlight. Or even feeling my way in the dark.
It sounded like "heard" meant "somebody told me". As for the individual, he's actually not the truck-driving type from whom one would normally expect this stuff. He personally drives a reasonably new midsize car with a 4-banger. Of course, who knows about whoever told him. In any event, I'm happy to have served your entertainment needs.
With other car sales slumping and they have nothing even close to a Prius ...what do we all think they would say.....sometimes even here ....spies I tell ya .....arugggggggg....
This would also help in cases where it might be difficult to tell if they are "natural" or "enhanced". Although most of the time it is fairly obvious. :wof:
Watch out for negative spin on hybrids in the media. The oil lobby at work. And the car manufacturers are stuck with a lot of ICE guzzlers they have to sell.
Interesting, Tom! I'm currently reading a book entitled "The Culture of Fear: Why Americans are afraid of the wrong things" by Barry Glassner. Many of the stories in that book read exactly like the one quoted here. This sort of thing goes on all the time. The motivation Glassner gives for this sort of thing is either to make us feel like we are better (or better off) than someone else (like: I may not be the best parent, but I at least don't torture and kill my kids...) or else divert attention from a real problem that can be fixed if only we had the correct information and the will to do it. Very interesting read, and I will never read a news story again without a much more critical eye. This sort of FUD goes on all the time in practically every arena. Journalists are both the promulgators of a lot of it and sometimes the exposers of some of it. I've not heard of anyone "returning" Prii, though, and they are still hard to get from what I've noticed on PC and elsewhere.
So I've been here posting productively for nearly two years and suddenly I'm a troll, eh? That's insulting at best.
It just takes time to get the technique refined. One person's troll is another's freedom poster, or something to that effect. Tom
Hmm...I'll have to work on it. I've heard that the pros can get a free one-way ticket to Banland, which is quite expensive on the open market! Having seen where this has gone, maybe it's time for a one-way ticket to FHoP. And seriously, I didn't just make this BS up! I googled it myself before I came here.