See link for the details discovered by this guy. Apparently one (possibly more) of their gold medal girls is underage (no surprise). Should we care or let it slide?
I'm a law and order kind of guy. I don't believe in rewarding cheating in any form. To help the China save face, I say do any investigations after the party is over.
Of course we should care, just like every other country at the Olympics, cheating is cheating, doesn't matter if drugs or underage.
We should absolutely care. Not for the political and sports concerns, but for the life and well being of young girls. If China is willing to "own" the lives of 14 year old children, at what age do they not "own" them? The outcry should be motivated by this concern, not the "unfair" winning of medals.
Why don't they just reduce the age limit? Otherwise, being calling future female gold medalists the best gymnast in the world would be false.
I think that's a fair question. Is there any evidence that making the age limit 16 reduces the long term injuries or improves the lives/health of gymnasts? Is there any evidence that 14 year olds can be injured...there's nothing stopping them from training at 12, 13, 14 and younger... I've got mixed feelings on the setting of an age limit. I have no mixed feelings about whether appropriate punishment should be given should this proof of cheating stand up...they clearly should withdraw the gold medals and invalidate their participation. But I think some analysis of whether the rule is fair or not is in order for the next Olympics. There was a 14y/o in the diving that was doing very well last night.
I think the age restriction rule should be eliminated. It wasn't always there. There's no health reason for it. It was instituted as an arbitrary rule for Olympic competition purposes. The US women's gymnastics coach also thinks the rule should be eliminated. But a rule is a rule, and cheating is cheating. While I think it's possible that the three gymnasts in question are 16 or turning 16 this calendar year, they sure don't look it. And I'd bet my life savings that they aren't. I mean, what are the chances that you have the three youngest looking 16 year olds on the planet, and they're from the same country and are world class, Olympic gymnasts to boot?
When you study ballet, you are forbidden to move on to toe shoes until you reach a certain age. This is so the bones in your feet have time to form and are not damaged. I imagine the same is true for gymnastics. Training for the Olympics puts tremendous pressure on a young body. The younger the body, the more likely damage may occur which effects quality of life later. The age limit used to be younger. It was raised to 16 for a reason. It was for the protection of the athletes. And it's called Women's gymnastics, not Girls gymnastics. If you lower the age to 14, you'll have 10 and 12 year olds competing. Bottom line is the Chinese GOVERNMENT cheated. Just because the Chinese Government aided and abetted the cheat by issuing valid passports is beside the point. The girls aren't 16. Will the Olympics committee do anything? No. They've passed it off to the FIG. Will the FIG do anything? No. They'll pass the buck back. And no one will want to "dishonor" their hosts by telling them their gymnasts are disqualified for being underage and they have to give back their medals. Even if they tried, the Chinese Government is in a position to legally forge any document necessary to prove the girls are 16. I suppose you could demand that the Chinese team are forbidden to take part in the 2012 games, but I doubt that will happen either. So what's the point? We all know they cheated. Just remember that. Forever. Whenever you're dealing with the Chinese GOVERNMENT.
My daughter was a gymnast. She had to give it up due to injuries to her under-developed feet. It crippled her for over a year. There are a lot of bad things that happen to young kids when they are subjected to the stresses of gymnastics. Granted, having a minimum age for the Olympics does not keep gymnasts from training and competing in other events, but it does eliminate one of the greatest temptations to throw caution to the wind. As for the age of the Chinese gymnast in question, I say we cut her in half and count her rings. That will settle the issue. Tom
Well, that's your interpretation. I'm speaking of the Chinese government. Did you not read that in my post? They are the ones that perpetrated the cheating. They provided the passports that are complete lies. And they own plenty of U.S. paper I.E. debt. The Chinese government can not be trusted. So when the U.S. is negotiating for whatever and the Chinese say "Oh, that paint doesn't contain lead" WE SHOULDN'T BELIEVE THEM. And it's ridiculously.
So, you're saying my calling the Chinese Government cheaters and that we must be vigilent in our dealings with them is....racist? Because I think we have just cause to be suspicious whenever we enter a trade agreement or import food or other commodities. I don't think we can simply trust their "word". Because they've demonstrated that they (THE CHINESE GOVERNMENT) are liars. Oh, and I'll add that the Russian government are liars too. They've invaded and occupied Poti and have no intention of leaving. This whole South Ossetia thing was only a cover for gaining a Mediterranian port.
It is now... <---- Part REAL American... not that it matters anymore. As for the OP... I think they ought to challenge DURING the Games if there is a problem. Looking at the girls... I believe more than one is under 16. Strip them of the medals.
News reports suspect at least two. A challenge, or question or something was raised. The Olympics committee said they go by passports and the girls' passports, issued by the Chinese GOVERNMENT, say they will be 16 this year. It was the Chinese GOVERNMENT that ordered the Olympics show director/board that they were to find an appropriately cute little girl and substitute her in to lip sync for the not cute enough singer during the opening night ceremony. That discovery didn't turn up until a few days after the ceremony. (We won't discuss poisoned dogfood or toothpaste tainted with antifreeze until later.)
Returning to the age question. In addition to bodily damage, what about putting very young kids in the position of being national heros or national goats. At this national level, a 14 year old or younger is entirely the human version of a race horse controlled by some owner. That owner could be the parents or it could be the government. That's the part bothering me.