I bought a 2008 model this past week and am being pressured by the dealer to buy an extended warranty at his best price. I want a 7/75 and know that his price is negotiable as the more I talk w/ him, the lower he goes. I read on a blog that I can get a warranty from any dealer in the US that will be honored at all dealers. Who is selling reasonably priced extended warranties?
Well, it seems like you've come to the right place. A Toyota dealer (Toyota of Greenfield) sells the 7/100 warranty on here for $995. See http://priuschat.com/forums/sponsor...rius-extended-warranty-service-contracts.html I remember some discussion of a reduced price for the 7/75 warranty, too, but I can't find that discussion now. It might be in that extended warranty thread. Just a note, if you buy from Troy, it's standard practice to not tell your dealer where you got the cheaper warranty from (or how much you paid). I guess there's some concern that other dealers could complain to Toyota headquarters and they may stop Toyota of Greenfield from selling at this good price.
That took me to a site called WarrantyShack. I am always hesitant to deal w/ third-party vendors as there warranties are often useless. How do I reach Toyota of Greenfield? In what state is Greenfield?
WarrantyShack is just a way for Troy of Toyota of Greenfield (MA) to sell the extended warranty online. The warranty you buy through them is the full Toyota warranty good at any dealer. If this makes you uncomfortable, you can probably contact him directly: Troy Dietrich, of Greenfield Toyota, Massachuetts. 413-772-0231 However, if you wish to be a good Priuschat citizen, it's better to go through WarrantyShack since Priuschat will then get credit for the sale. BTW, I found a reference in that thread to the 7/75 extended warranty being sold for $695.
Wow! You are great. I've been a Prius owner for less than 72 hours and this site is already amazing. I will contact WarrantyShack now.
It's also worth pointing out that there's no hurry to get the warranty; as long as you are still within your first 3 years/36K miles, you can buy the warranty. I'm closing in on three years now, so I'm thinking I may be contacting Troy myself pretty soon.
i bought it from troy. its legit. i even called toyota financial soon after the credit card transaction posted, and they verified it was sold to me by the cars vin. after that it seemed to take a while for me to actually get the paperwork, but toyota financial assured me that i was covered because they had an electronic copy of it
Of course it's legit! I bought mine from Troy almost 4 years ago. We have been saying for years he is legit. Don't want to trust Priuschat, huh?
i didnt care if it was legit or not, i was protected by the use of my credit card! anyway, heh. umm i trusted prius chat its just like i said, actually getting the paperwork back did seem to take longer.i forgot how long, it might of been more then a week or two. i was covered right away, the warranty was activated immediately, but recieving the contract took forever, it seemed
when i bought the car i was not on priuschat, the selling car dealer wanted $1,995 for the 7/100k warranty with a $50 deductible, after much screaming and my mother screaming at me to get the warranty, i was offered $1650, but i held firm and told the guy i was pretty sure i had 3 years 36000 miles to decide, he said no. i almost walked out several times, then a week later or so, i found priuschat and bought the warranty 25 days later for zero deductible. i regret not cancelling the $1250 pre paid maintenance plan. my car payment is $30 more each month because of those stupid 11 service coupons i got but at the time i did not know the time limit on signing up on that, and did not know how much little maintenance the prius required at first the selling dealership was not upfront they were adding on the extended warranty, i was watching him type up the contract on his computer, and no matter how fast he thought he typed i was able to spot it, after much confrontation, he finally admitted that he was adding a contract to it. the cool thing about the whole prius buying expierence is that i was never charged about having the truck the prius 74 miles away from a navato dealer all the way to san jose. i have no idea who paid for that service. yeah i distinctly remember threatening the selling car dealer i was going to whip out the laptop right that second out of my bag and doing a price match to his offer right there. hahaha. thats when he dropped it and made me sign some stupid waiver saying if my car broke down i couldnt score a rental from his service department